Thursday, June 3, 2021

AOC values

'Sell your $70,000 Tesla': Critics slam 'Learjet liberal' AOC for not 'helping' her grandmother after she posted photos of her Puerto Rican home ravaged by Hurricane Maria - and blamed TRUMP!

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was slammed on Twitter for posting images of her grandma's Hurricane-torn house in Puerto Rico instead of helping her
  • Several users excoriated AOC for choosing to spend money on a new Tesla instead of sending part of her $174,000 congressional salary to her grandma
  • One user pointed out that she rents two apartments, including in a luxury building in Washington D.C. where one-bedroom units start at $2,500 per month
  • 'Honey, you drive a Tesla and have two apartments,' a congressional candidate tweeted. 'If your grandmother is living poor that's because you don't help her'
  • AOC blamed Trump for the condition of her grandma's home, claiming he needed to send more aid to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria  

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