Monday, July 5, 2021

Rep. James Clyburn lies

Rep. James Clyburn outright lies about Voter I.D.

Rep. James Clyburn (D. S.C.) is the reason Joe Biden is president. It was he who convinced South Carolina’s Black Democrat voters to throw their weight behind Biden, not Bernie, in that state’s Democrat primary, killing Bernie’s momentum. Now, Clyburn, who is the majority whip in the House, is trying to convince all Americans that a voter registration card is “I.D.” Isn’t it bad enough that he already saddled us with something awful in the White House?

The centerpiece of the Democrats’ grossly misnamed “For The People” Act was that it would do away with photo I.D. requirements to vote because, Democrats’ claim, they’re racist. As far as Democrats are concerned, while Blacks and other non-Whites are capable of getting photo ID for flying, attending Democrat conventions, buying alcohol, and generally living life in the modern world, these same minorities cannot get photo I.D. to vote.

In this regard, of course, America is out of step with the rest of the world. For example, every country in continental Europe requires photo I.D. to vote. Mexico, too, requires photo I.D. to vote. In Africa, a continent with a fragile infrastructure that makes photo I.D. truly difficult to obtain, the current trend (more than 60% of countries) is to digitize people’s identities to improve election integrity. And yet Democrats assure us that American Blacks just can’t get that I.D.

The problem for Democrats is that, even as they denigrate minorities’ ability to get photo identification, most Americans think that photo I.D. is a good idea for election integrity. In April, 75% of U.S. voters gave a photo I.D. a thumbs up, with 73% of Blacks saying yes and 81% of other non-White voters saying yes. By June, the overall percentage of Americans supporting voter I.D. had soared to 80%.

Clyburn may have political values that I deeply oppose, but he’s no fool. If voters want I.D. for elections, he’s willing to lie and prevaricate to make them think that he, too, wants such I.D. On July 4, he appeared on CNN with Dana Bash, who still dreams that the “For the People” Act can be resurrected. However, she recognizes that the Supreme Court’s decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, supporting Arizona’s new voting laws, puts the Court’s imprimatur on those states requiring voters to show photographic identification. Clyburn, seeing which way the wind is blowing, suddenly enthusiastically endorsed I.D. laws. Pay attention to what he says, though, because every word is a lie:


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