About Us

The Zinn Education Project is my compass in a sea of corporate textbooks, packaged common core curriculum and standardized testing. My entire curriculum is based on lessons that can be found on the Zinn Education Project.
Chris Buehler
High School Social Studies Teacher, Portland, Ore.

The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the teaching of people’s history in middle and high school classrooms across the country. Based on the lens of history highlighted in Howard Zinn’s best-selling book A People’s History of the United States, the website offers free, downloadable lessons and articles organized by themetime period, and reading level.

The Zinn Education Project is coordinated
by two non-profit organizations:
Rethinking Schools logo | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History

Why Teach People's History

Howard Zinn
I can UNDERSTAND pessimism, but I don’t BELIEVE in it. It’s not simply a matter of faith, but of historical EVIDENCE. Not overwhelming evidence, just enough to give HOPE, because for hope we don’t need certainty, only POSSIBILITY.

—Howard Zinn