Saturday, December 11, 2021

Could explain why kids are bringing guns to school

School officials failed to immediately alert the community after a knife-wielding intruder slipped inside a Queens junior high school and threatened a boy in the bathroom, outraged parents told The Post.

The robber — who is still on the loose — held up the 11-year-old victim at Robert A. Van Wyck Junior High School, in Briarwood, during afternoon dismissal on Dec. 1, police said.

“Why weren’t the parents informed about it? Why did we get no phone calls about it?” fumed Sean Brewster, 51, as he picked up his son after school Thursday. “My son is afraid. That could have been him!” Three other parents told The Post they didn’t learn of the incident from the school until four days later. 

Brewster, whose family has lived in the neighborhood for 13 years, said he only found out about the terrifying incident via news reports last week. School staff confirmed the knifepoint attack only after he approached them last week.

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