Thursday, May 12, 2022

The force behind eft win tyranny


Left-wing billionaire George Soros tossed $1 million behind Democrat Stacey Abrams' second campaign to win the governorship of Georgia.

The donation was made to a political action committee in March before a judge ruled that Abrams would have to win the Democrat primary on May 24 before using the funds on her campaign. 

A filing with the Federal Election Commission documented the donation from Democracy PAC II, a federal committee organized to influence the 2022 elections. Soros has financed the committee with $125 million worth of funding. 

Soros has also personally donated to Abrams' campaign. The financier and his family gave about $60,000 directly to her campaign. 

The Democracy PAC was first established in 2019 and utilized more than $80 million into the 2020 elections according to a report in Politico. 

Among those elections was that of Los Angeles district attorney George Gascón who instituted criminal justice reform that many claim inspired a crime wave across southern California. Gascón is facing a recall effort from residents and massive pushback from law enforcement organizations opposed to his easing of criminal punishments. 

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