Sunday, May 15, 2022

Woke Hypocrisy: A User’s Guide...stop being so understanding of wokeists

Woke Hypocrisy: A User’s Guide

Wokeism is not what it pretends to be.

It fools a lot of people by pretending to be about high ideals. It pretends to struggle against injustice, overcome oppression, and so on.

But in reality, it’s something very different. For many more of us, the scam is clear: the Woke simply want power. They just want to rule over the rest of us. They’ve already made astounding progress toward this goal.

How are they pulling this off? They’re working to invent a flood of rules that we must live by, but they don’t. They want two sets of rules -- some for us, others for them.

For example: Offending them is a terrible thing. It’s so terrible, in fact, that they’ve been trying to make it illegal to hurt their feelings. Yet they can offend us all the time.

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