Tuesday, August 30, 2022

And Now, the Left Moves to Normalize Pedophilia

And Now, the Left Moves to Normalize Pedophilia

This has been coming for years.

The Post Millennial reported recently that “a professional counselor who works with incarcerated sex offenders defended pedophiles as a ‘marginalized’ minority in a recent YouTube upload, sparking criticism as clips from the video went viral on social media.” Miranda Galbreath, who is a licensed sex therapist, posted a video which is, at least for now, unavailable. It was entitled "Let's talk about minor-attracted persons." In it, Galbreath advocates for the use of the term "minor attracted people" and claims that the term "pedophile" is a "judgmental, hurtful insult." She says that pedophiles are "the most vilified population of folks."

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