Monday, September 5, 2022

Portland agonistas

'I'm DONE with Portland' : Furious residents of the Dem-led city reveal to why they have no choice but to sell their homes as 'homeless drug addicts' set up camp right outside their front doors

  • Residents of Portland are selling their homes due to the homeless epidemic that is ravaging the city 
  • Some homeowners say they are 'terrified' to leave the house due to mental illness in homeless communities  
  • The city has set up Safe Rest Villages, a program that shelters homeless people in designated lots 
  • But unauthorized homeless encampments are popping up in many neighborhoods, spreading to the suburbs
  • The homeless crisis is exacerbated by the worsening drug crisis, as hard drugs are decriminalized in the state 
  • Lifelong residents Bruce and Rebecca 'Becky' Philip who told that they're 'done with Portland' due to the increasing number of homeless camps that have trickled into the suburbs from downtown 

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