Saturday, October 15, 2022

Biden lies about everything

Fire Department Drops Joe Biden With Some Facts About the Fire at His Home

Joe Biden has exaggerated and lied about so many things in his political career, frankly, it’s hard to keep up with them all.

But one of the things that he has frequently exaggerated about in the past year has been a fire that occurred in his home in 2004.

His story has changed every time he tells it, as is typical with Joe Biden’s stories. When you’re not telling the truth, you can’t keep up with the lie that you told before. So it’s been an ever-evolving story.

When we first covered it in November of last year, Biden claimed his house had burnt down “with my wife in it,” and that a “significant portion” of it burned. He then added that she had gotten out safely, which would be hard if it burnt down with her in it.

Then when he was in Florida to survey Hurricane Ian’s damage, Biden claimed that he “lost an awful lot of” his home.

Then this week at a fire prevention summit he was at, Biden claimed that “from the basement to the attic” on the third floor everything was “ruined.” He also claimed that “we almost lost a couple of firefighters.”

By Nick Arama | 10:06 PM on October 14, 2022

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