Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Life in NYC

A suspect was caught on video physically attacking a 66-year-old man on a New York City sidewalk last week before stealing a bag from the victim containing $17,000 in cash, WNYW-TV reported.

The elderly victim was heard on video repeatedly hollering for help during the daylight attack as at least one motorist passed right by the scene.

What are the details?

New York City police said the attack took place around 1:20 p.m. Thursday as the victim was walking down 71st Street in Middle Village in Queens, WNYW said.

Police said the suspect approached the victim from behind and pushed him down to the pavement, the station reported.

Police said the suspect then began punching and kicking the victim before stealing a bag containing $17,000 in cash, WNYW said, after which the suspect ran away on foot and got into a maroon Ford Fusion that head toward Eliot Avenue.

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