Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Atomic Weight of Stupidity

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The Atomic Weight of Stupidity

Osmium and iridium are alleged to be the most dense of all elements - except for the element of stupidity.

You wonder if we should just create a fund to help people move out of blue states and blue cities and let those places collapse under their own weight of stupidity.

This morning I started writing down all the idiotic and monumentally stupid things I have seen, heard or acted out in these places. Here's a few of the greatest hits of radical Democrats:

  • Running a mentally compromised zombie for office because he is a reliable Democrat vote and having him lie to voters about his true condition during his campaign? Nothing wrong with it, as a matter of fact, it should be encouraged.

  • Electing an official with medical and mental issues who misses his first three months in office because he is in the hospital is stunning and brave and should be celebrated.

  • Electing a male candidate for president with clear mental competency issues is fine. Kicking out a female senator who has the same issues is also totally fine.

  • Electing a mayor even more radically left than the last failed mayor is progress and really, really smart.

  • Red states have the highest crime rates, but it has nothing to do with the blue cities in them.

  • Using a firearm in self defense is a crime but allowing yourself to be killed is virtuous and noble. Who are you to judge the life experiences of the person who just hit you in the head with a pipe, you bigot?

  • Going soft on criminals, legalizing petty theft, and running police out of town have nothing to do with rising crime rates or stores leaving neighborhoods.

  • Following the Rawlings-Blake Theory - developed by former Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - mayors should give those who wish to destroy, room to destroy - totally increases public safety.

  • Minority on minority crime is caused by a white supremacist nation run by white Christian cis-normative people.

  • Laws are racist. So is math. Working hard and showing up on time is as well. Space travel is too. The greatest example of racism is noticing that things claimed to be racist, aren't.

  • Protests that are fiery, but mostly peaceful are to be encouraged - even if the result in millions of private property damage.

  • Hiring stupid and incompetent people based on skin color and/or sex does not result in lower overall performance.

  • Businesses should not be allowed to leave high crime areas. Looting is just a form of reparations. Retailers should be happy looters like their products enough to steal them.

  • Letting illegal immigrants into the country at will and without consequence isn't the same as an open border.

  • Biological males have no physical advantage over females despite centuries of sports records proving they do.

  • Being a woman or a man is a social construct, not a biological certainty.

  • Gender is fluid, as are preferred pronouns. You should lose your job if you guess wrong about today's preferred pronouns are.

  • The human brain doesn't mature until the age of 25 but children 16 and under should be allowed to vote, choose their "gender" and read graphic porn from their school library.

  • Parents have no right to know what schools are teaching and doing to their kids, but they must continue to pay school taxes to support whatever it is.

  • CRT, transgender indoctrination and Queer Theory is absolutely NOT being taught in grades K-12, but it is a good thing it is.

  • Schools with low or falling literacy rates but high per student spending just need more money.

  • Parents don't own their children, but the state does. It takes a Potemkin Village to raise a child, you know.

We really should step back and let Democrats practice their social alchemy and see how it goes.

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