Sunday, October 15, 2023

Time for Wokesters to Stick a Sock in It By Clarice Feldman

Time for Wokesters to Stick a Sock in It

Alternate media never gets the credit it deserves. Elon Musk has taken over Twitter (now “X”) and allowed free speech. In the process wokesters -- particularly in the intellectual and moral cesspool absurdly continued to be called “higher education” -- and media have exposed themselves as ignorant embracers of bestiality. Hamas’s snuff films posted there establish what they are.  The compromised and partisan reporters on the ground never did this, and sentient readers have every reason to view mainstream media as pap for imbeciles.

What exactly do I mean by “wokesters” -- what do they believe and why? Richard Samuelson in a brilliant essay analyzes their thinking and its genesis, and in so doing shows how their acts make them worthy of contempt.

In the wake of the barbaric attack on Israel, many Americans have been shocked, angered, and disgusted to see woke organizations express anything other than condemnation for Hamas. On campuses and in our communities, students and organizations like Black Lives Matter have expressed support for the butchers of Jews. Meanwhile, all too many campus leaders, formerly so quick to condemn even the hint of racism, can barely muster even weak condemnation of such savagery. Many Americans find themselves shaking their heads in dismay.

Where does this blindness come from? Why are so many people who think of themselves as crusaders for justice so misguided?

It is a complicated story. But one key part of that story is the way that civil rights, which began as a cause, became an ideology. Eventually that ideology metastasized into “anti-racism,” a radical legal doctrine that scholar John McWhorter suggests is nothing less than a secular “religion.” The once-noble cause of civil rights changed. No longer merely about ending specific acts of discrimination in voting, employment, and public accommodations, it became a crusade to rectify the wrongs of slavery, Jim Crow, and the lingering legacy of institutional racism. [snip] The woke movement’s larger hope is to transform America, and the world, fundamentally. The historical record is a sad one, full of barbarism, tragedy, and savagery. One can hardly blame people for wishing the future might be less bloody than the past. But if the tragic side of human life is due to the inevitable contradictions in the human condition, such idealism always tends to cross over into misanthropy. There is a deep moral lesson in the story of Satan being a fallen angel. [snip] In other words, todays wokesters combine the hatred of racial discrimination with a radical desire for a utopian future. And Jews are in the way of that project. That is hardly a novel turn in history. Hitler called the Holocaust the “Final Solution.” It was, more exactly, “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question.” Like today’s progressives, Hitler had hope for a better future: “I believe in a conclusive understanding among peoples which will come sooner or later. There is no point in bringing about co-operation among nations, based upon permanent understanding, until this Jewish fission-fungus of peoples has been removed.” Karl Marx said something similar. In his essay on “The Jewish Question,” Marx said that progress would not take place until Jews stopped being Jews. The Hamas Charter expresses a similar version of the Muslim apocalypse…

To allow religious and ethnic diversity is to allow a world in which tragic divisions and choices remain fundamental to politics, with the terrible consequences they necessarily entail. To recognize the necessity of a Jewish Israel is to reject comprehensive progress through merely human (as opposed to divine) means. Rather than admit that, many American progressives choose to shoot the messenger, or, as in this case, to back those who will.

And back them they did, even as Hamas displayed their war trophies before their cameras and the world -- battered bodies, captured women, and kidnapped babies held as human shields in their brutal hands.

 In another brilliant essay, Victor Davis Hanson plows the same ground. 

One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality.

More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers -- to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay.

Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies. It has long promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations. And de facto it has destroyed the First Amendment.

But the overt support for Hamas killers by the diversity, equity, and inclusion crowd on a lot of campuses exposes to Americans the real moral and intellectual rot in higher education.

Harvard was not alone. The same scene played out across the country. At Stanford one instructor ordered  Jewish and Israeli students to stand in a corner as he verbally assaulted them, belittling the genocide of millions in the Holocaust. At the University of Minnesota and elsewhere, Jewish students listened to fellow students call for murders of Jewish people. These were places which condemned “microaggressions” -- things like misgendering people, using words like “picnic” and such. Kids with “Coexist” posters all over their laptops and dorm rooms who yell “give peace a chance,” are supporting those who just slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped hundreds of kids in Israel at a festival for peace. Kids like Danielle Waldman, daughter of Eyal Waldman, a high-tech magnate from Israel, who had created research and development centers in Gaza which employed hundreds of Palestinians who otherwise would have had no such opportunities in the pigpen Hamas has made of Gaza. You know these dopey students are ignorant of honor killings, the gross mistreatment of women and gays in Palestine. One day they march for gays, the next day for those who throw them blindfolded and bound off buildings. But it was copasetic for college administrators to tolerate calls for murder of innocents, including from their own students.

No one more succinctly punctures hypocrisy like this than does David Burge, who tweeted:

Wacky college fads thru the years: 

1930s: swallowing goldfish

 1950s: panty raids and stuffing phone booths 

1970s: streaking 

2020s: Nuremberg-style pro-Holocaust pep rallies

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is the message the mayor of D.C. had painted on a major thoroughfare that leads to the Capitol; signs supporting them popped up on manicured lawns in affluent neighborhoods and stores, students across the U.S. paraded for the group and corporations donated millions to the outfit. Much of that money seems to remain unaccounted for, except the millions used to purchase mansions for the organizers. Under that banner, cities were torched and mostly poor and middle-class property owners and small retailers suffered uninsured losses. This week as Hamas videotaped how it murdered hundreds of young people from around the world -- mostly Israelis -- at a music festival for peace, the Chicago branch of BLM posted online a poster featuring a paraglider (the means by which armed Hamas thugs transported themselves to the murders). When criticized for that, it responded, “We represented our values and we said that but you lot don’t read or listen or watch sign language on the rare occasions you do, it is with the expectation that we are about to adopt settler colonial, cop, Zionist, capitalist values AND WE AIN’T.” 

The Media 

Angeline Tettah-Wyoe, a CBS radio host, tweeted that the U.S. is “the biggest terror of the entire world.” Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah tweeted “We cannot stand by and Watch Israel commit atrocities.” Some media figures like Jake Tapper seem to have at last recognized the moral rot which justifies if not glamorizes brutality, but there are too many like Wyoe and Attiah still poisoning the minds of those who listen, watch, and read their bunkum.


A reporter filmed kids in a Palestinian school run by UNRWA, which propagandized them to hate and be martyrs for Hamas. Dr. Einat Wilf asks what the organization “sustained, nourished, supported” when for generations they inculcated in Palestinians the fantasies that “they don’t need to accept new realities, new borders, and move on with the lives; that they possess a non-existent “right of return” into Israeli sovereign territory, that their land was “stolen” and that they have the right to take it “back” by “all means” -- what exactly did you think the outcome would be? Peace? Two states?” UNRWA provides “ideological sustenance and international legitimacy through the letters “UN” and continuous Western funding for the Palestinian belief that Israel is a temporary aberration in the region and that the clock on it could be turned back through ‘return.’”

It's long past time that we refuse to continue this. Palestinians have to learn to embrace defeat and UNRWA to cease to exist for peace to actually have a chance.

In the meantime, doing everything it can to minimize civilian casualties, Israel is killing the top leadership of the genocidal terrorist group Hamas -- at least those who haven’t already debunked to glamorous villas in Qatar. They have arrested Hamas members by the hundreds in the West Bank and in Gaza eliminated two key officers of the organization. Stupidly Hamas filmed and released some risible crudely done Pallywood propaganda. Among other things, they revealed the bombing of a bridge on which civilians were following Israeli directives to leave the area about to be hit was not carried out by Israel, but was a local IED, and claimed they could not evacuate a hospital, certainly from which Hamas has been waging war before it was demolished. Par for the course for these psychopaths -- commit war crimes, shield themselves with civilian bodies, and when there are casualties weep for the cameras that they are the victims.

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