Saturday, November 4, 2023

Fascism is when the government interferes with business for political reasons: Supreme Court Takes First Amendment Case Involving Former NY Official Who Pressured Banks Not To Work With The NRA

Supreme Court Takes First Amendment Case Involving Former NY Official Who Pressured Banks Not To Work With The NRA

The Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear a First Amendment case stemming from a New York official’s pressuring banks not to do business with the National Rifle Association (NRA).

In NRA v. Vullo, the justices will consider whether the First Amendment allows “a government regulator to threaten regulated entities with adverse regulatory actions” for doing business with a controversial speaker. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the NRA’s lawsuit in 2020, finding that it failed to prove former superintendent of New York’s Department of Financial Services Maria Vullo “crossed the line between attempts to convince and attempts to coerce.”

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