Saturday, June 29, 2024

Queers are safe in Israel but not in Palestinian controlled areas or in any other Muslim dominated country...these people are outright delusional

Why there is no ‘pride’ for the LGBT community this year

June is ending, and LGBT Pride celebrations are coming to a close across the globe. 

But as marches and parades pour through London, New York and San Francisco this weekend, shame is actually the best sentiment that describes our community right now.  

Even in the wake of last year’s topless reveler at the White House’s annual pride party, 2024 has been a banner year for LGBT bad behavior. 

Indeed, from an obsession with pseudo-science and gender ideology to a blasphemous “queer” funeral at St. Patrick’s Cathedral to LGBT hordes bafflingly chanting for jihad, gay folk around the world have embraced crusades and causes that are, ultimately, likely to hurt us most. 

Ghana has introduced one of the world’s most onerous anti-LGBT laws, mandating upto three years in prison for anyone who identifies as Gay or Lesbian. AP

In Britain, April’s Cass Report laid bare a national public health system failing gender-dysphoric kids and teens. “Gender medicine for children and young people is built on shaky foundations,” declared Dr. Hilary Cass, a pediatrician whose nearly 400-page report revealed the recklessness of juvenile medical interventions that are often irreversible.

Rather than helping teens fully engage with their developing bodies, said Cass, activists, academics and physicians on both sides of the Atlantic are fast-tracking them to hormones and transgender surgeries with “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”

The Cass Report echoes a similar brief from February by Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, a top adolescent psychiatrist at Finland’s Tampere University. 

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