Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rejecting Hamas terorism by someone who knows

How the ‘Son of Hamas’ Mossab Hasan Yousef left Islam and made America his home

There is nothing timid about Mossab Hasan Yousef’s new book From Hamas to America: My Story of Defying Terror, Facing the Unimaginable, and Finding Redemption in the Land of Opportunity, out next week from Forefront Books. 

Better known as “the son of Hamas,” Yousef is the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef and a one-time undercover agent for the Israeli intelligence services. 

He’s also a vocal — and longtime — Hamas critic who appeared before the UN to denounce the barbarism of Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel and warn the world of terror yet to come. 

New Book cover for From Hamas to America: My Story of Defying Terror, Facing the Unimaginable, and Finding Redemption in the Land of Opportunity Hardcover â August 6, 2024
.The author of “From Hamas to America” is the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef.

This is the second book for Yousef, who was born in the West Bank city of Ramallah and moved to the US where he claimed political asylum back in 2007.

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