Thursday, August 29, 2024

48% Of NYC Bus Riders Don't Pay Fares

48% Of NYC Bus Riders Don't Pay Fares

Tyler Durden's Photo
THURSDAY, AUG 29, 2024 - 03:55 AM

As New York City and the MTA devises their next plan to tax or hike prices on everything from owning a vehicle to 'congestion' to having a driver's license to living within 10 miles of the Lincoln Tunnel, we have a thought: maybe just focus on collecting fares from existing riders...

We know it's controversial, but in the wake of a new New York Times report claiming that 48% of MTA Bus riders fail to pay fares, we can't help but ask.

The Times reports that before the pandemic, about 20% of bus riders didn't pay, but this has worsened recently.

Despite this, officials have mainly focused on the subway, deploying police and security to enforce fares, while bus fare evasion remains much higher. In early 2024, nearly half of bus riders evaded fares, compared to 14% on the subway, even though subway ridership is twice as high.

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