Sunday, October 20, 2024

Which Donor Countries Are Pulling Their Weight In Ukraine Aid?

Which Donor Countries Are Pulling Their Weight In Ukraine Aid?

SUNDAY, OCT 20, 2024 - 06:55 AM

Having presented his so-called "victory plan" to his European and US allies, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky continues his Dickensian demands for "moar" (but this time with a threat of nukes).

Data from the Ukraine Support Tracker at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy shows that while the governments of the United Kingdom and Germany are certainly pulling their weight in their support of the Ukrainian war effort, France and Italy have fallen somewhat behind as Ukraine's tenth and 14th biggest donors (including pledges) as of August 31.

The countries have so far committed less than 0.2 percent of their 2021 GDPs each to Ukraine wartime aid,compared to around 0.4 percent in the case of the Germany and the United States and even 0.47 percent in the case of the United Kingdom.

Infographic: Which Donor Countries Are Pulling Their Weight in Ukraine Aid? | Statista

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