Thursday, November 5, 2009

Terrorist Attack on Fort Hood

So Fort Hood was just attacked by at least 3 people with 7 dead and a dozen injured. My guess is that if the attackers are Muslim then Obama will make some canned speech where he laments the loss of life, as if they were killed by a tornado or some other force of naturebut really doesn't take any tangible action or change any of his policies. However, if it's an American group of terrorists who attacked the base because of frustration with the military or some other similar reason, you can bet there will be a crackdown on both guns and militia groups coming out of the White House. This, despite the fact that islamofascists are a much greater threat to our country than any sort of militia.

Update: ABC has identified one shooter as Major Malik Nadal Hasan


overlook81 said...

You have a problem, how can you blame Obama for this attack? this is in no way Obama's fault just like 9/11 wasn't Bush's fault. Stop cheerleading for the right and just pray for the victims!

libertarian neocon said...

Actually if you read it closely I didn't blame Obama for the shooting at all. All I was doing was predicting how he would respond depending on the identity of the shooter.

And I am praying for the victims. My heart goes out to those who volunteered to defend this country and end up being murdered by a traitor.

Unknown said...

Regardless, in your mind, whatever Obama says is wrong.

libertarian neocon said...

I wouldn't find him wrong if he lowered taxes and had a hawkish foreign policy. I don't hate him, just his policies.

The Blonde said...
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The Blonde said...

Your assessment is correct. Immediately, before any details were released the 'federal' reps stated that this 'wasn't a terror attack'. How could they even think that spin was going to work when they had already said there were 3 suspects! Hmmmm....I guess it was just those PTSD, rightwing, American soldiers coming back and taking it out on other soldiers...(sarcasm)...Now that the guy's name has come out and that he was born and raised a Muslim, he had made public statements that Muslims should rise up against the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and that he was about to be deployed and had been going through the chain of command to get out of going , I'm thinking the admin and MSM must think we are imbeciles to sit and swallow that this 'good American' (as described by his cousin) just 'snapped' because the big bad Army was sending him to war.....Hey moron!! You're in the US Army!! I hate soldiers who only go into military for the ed benefits, or stability or whatever but don't really want to do their job and serve.....sorry for the rambling but I have served in two wars and two separate services and I have seen it and it does not honor those who are noble and do the dirty work!

libertarian neocon said...

flyright, I definitely understand your frustration with soldiers who use the Army as a welfare program. What I don't understand is why someone who is a psychiatrist, who would be far from any actual "action" would snap like this. Usually you hear this happening to someone who has already been to the front and is ordered to go back.