Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bibi's Brother In Law Speaks the Truth About Obama

How exactly is Obama different from the neighborhood bully who picks on the scrawny Jewish kid who can't fight back (remember Biden did accept the apology of Bibi right after the incident and yet Obama continues to punch and punch and punch)? Anyway Bibi's brother in law has some choice comments:

Dr. Hagi Ben-Artzi, the outspoken brother-in-law of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has accused US President Barack Obama of harboring anti-Semitism which "bursts out now and again.”

Speaking to Army Radio, Ben-Artzi said his brother-in-law was well aware of Obama’s opinions.

“It must be stated clearly and simply. Unfortunately, there is an anti-Semitic president in America,“ he said. "As a politician, who ran for presidency, he had to hide it, but from time to time, it bursts out from inside. It’s creating a difficult situation for Israel, but we won’t even consider giving up on our deep interests.”

Ben-Artzi went on to say that it wasn’t that Obama wasn’t a friend of Netanyahu, he just wasn’t a friend of Israel.

“For 20 years he sat with the preacher Jeremiah Wright, who is anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli,” he said. “When an anti-Semitic president comes to power in America, it is our test, and we must say: ‘We will not give up. We are a 4,000-year-old people, while you will pass on and disappear in one or two years. Who will remember you? But Jerusalem will always be secure.'”

Ben-Arzi called on Netanyahu to continue along “the line of the seven prime ministers” elected since the Six Day War.

“The moment the Americans tried to get involved with something connected to Jerusalem, we told them one simple word: No!,” he said. “Jerusalem in the capital of the Israeli nation and the state of Israel, it’s complete and united. We will not give up on even one millimeter, and if you want make a crisis over that – then make a crisis.”

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