Saturday, May 15, 2010

One reason capitalism beats socialism every time: Greece

Small-time corruption Greece's big problem

Of all the tawdry corruption cases to make headlines in Greece this year, the story of Babis stands out. An employee of the Ministry of Public Works, Babis would spend his working days fossicking around the country's toll-road booths in search of discarded receipts.
He would then give the receipts to his superiors, who paid him cash equal to the amounts shown on them, sometimes as much as €800 ($1100) a day.
His bosses then used the receipts to generate bogus travel diaries and claim generous daily travel allowances.
''This went on for years,'' said Leandros Rakintzis, Greece's General Inspector of Public Administration. ''We are still investigating the full extent of this case.''
After 38 years on the bench of the Supreme Court, in 2005 Rakintzis was given the job of routing out corruption in Greece's notoriously venal pubic service.
''Small-time corruption like this is in our DNA,'' Rakintzis told the Herald this week. ''It is a part of our way of life.''
From his office in central Athens, Rakintzis rattled off a list of corruption cases and examples of public sector mismanagement that helps to explain why Greece is drowning in debt.
Take the government agency Korais, which is located in the city of Thebes, north of Athens.
Established in the 1950s to oversee the draining of a lake and the construction of a new road, Korais completed the task in 1957.
''Today Korais still has a full-time staff of 30 people,'' Rakintzis said. ''No one knows what they do. Not only that, but every year they advertise for new staff. It has a board, a president and the president of the board has a full-time driver.''
When Greece's second-largest city, Thessaloniki, was chosen as the European cultural capital for 1997, the government established an agency to oversee the year's cultural activities. Thirteen years later the agency is still in existence and claims still to be finishing work associated with its original mission.
''In Greece this is how politicians have sought to gain favours, and generate employment. No government has been prepared to take the risk of doing something about it.''
The national health system is particularly exposed to corruption and wasted expenditure.
Four months ago Rakintzis sent to the public prosecutor's office recommendations to investigate 34 surgeons from George Gennimatas General Hospital, the second-largest hospital in Athens.
In exchange for bribes of up to €5000 each, the surgeons would agree to promote individual patients to the top of the public hospital surgery waiting lists.
''They were also saying the operations were for serious medical problems, but they were performing cosmetic surgery procedures,'' Rakintzis said.
In other words, taxpayers were footing the bill for operations that would not normally be paid for by the national health system.
''The serious cases are still on the waiting lists. The doctors are being paid their salaries and they are also receiving a bribe for every operation,'' Rakintzis said.
He estimates that corruption costs the Greek economy about €20 billion a year.
''We believe the size of the black-market economy, where people are paying for things and are avoiding taxes, is about €40 billion a year.''
Recently reappointed for another five-year term by the Prime Minister, George Papandreou, Rakintzis believes he is starting to make an impact.
''Each day we are receiving at least 100 letters from people who are suggesting that we investigate this or that case,'' he said.
Last year, he and his staff investigated 950 individual cases, 185 of which have been referred to the public prosecutor's office. A further 292 offences resulted in disciplinary action conducted by the office of the General Inspector of Public Administration.
''What we are doing is helping to improve transparency. This is what Greece has to do if we are to solve the problems we face.''
With about 800,000 people employed by the state - one fifth of the 4 million-strong workforce - Rakintzis said drastic structural reform in the public sector would be crucial if the country is to escape its financial malaise.
With more than 4000 federal government agencies, about 1050 municipalities and 6000 municipal corporations, Rakintzis said there was a lot of fat to be cut.
''Next week the government is set to abolish 700 government agencies. There is the commitment to keep going, to introduce more efficiencies.''
Despite the size of the task ahead, and with a staff of only 28 people, including eight full-time investigators, Rakintzis described himself as an optimist.
''For many Greeks, these examples of corruption have been the last straw. I think that we are ready to confront this and change our way of life.''

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