Monday, July 5, 2010

The End of England

TheBlogProf itemises the loss of freedom in the U.K. which is just a few years advanced of where the Left would like to drag the U.S.:

Workers rights: Especially in Britain, the unions have carte blanche over everyone else. In fact, in what is literally a jobs apartheid, public sector workers spend NINE fewer years at work over their lifetime than private employees AND earn 30% more.

Welfare: Welfare is so generous in Britain that some dads quit their jobs entirely because they can get paid more by not working. The government pays a £30,000 annual benefit to fat people to stay home, not work, and eat.

Crime: Guns are strictly banned. Criminals are not penalized but those that fight against them are. British police arrest people systematically 'just for the dna.'

Parental rights: In some parts of Britain, all parents being banned from watching even their own children on public playgrounds just in case any one of them might be a pedophile. Instead, "play rangers" now watch the children. Parents that oppose the gay agenda are not allowed to adopt, or even pull their children from gay indoctrination classes. Condoms are routinely given out to 12-year olds.

National defense: The military is entirely gutted. Not enough left to post anything meaningful about.

Healthcare: In Britain, there is a single government-run healthcare (mind you, I use 'healthcare' here lightly) system that bureaucrats are exempt from (they get private care instead). So iron-fisted is the system that if you try and get private counseling because of the long lines and wait times, you will be dropped from the queue. Health and safety inspectors are given unprecedented access to family homes to ensure that parents are protecting their children from household accidents. This is a society that is taking newborn babies away from mothers because some bureaucrats think the baby might grow up obese. And babies are taken away if some bureaucrat deems the mother to not be smart enough. The National Health Service (NHS) in Britain is foisting physician-assisted suicide on the downtrodden and is going in the direction of making it available to the healthy. Abortion is so ingrained that they even run abortion commercials on the tele. Comparative effectiveness is the prime directive and healthcare quality for the elderly has been rationed significantly as a result.

Environment: This is a country where environmentalism is now an official religion. Global warming is as matter-of-fact in Britain as the sky being blue, and the government dumps generous amounts of taxpayer money into public indoctrination to keep it that way. In fact, there are plans to give individual British citizens a 'carbon allowance' - down to the last woman and child. Politicians in Britain think it necessary to cut their population in half for environmental benefits. Local governments have also launched the thermostat police on the population. Wind farms that don't work are sprouting up like mushrooms. Britain has a recycling system in some places so detailed that it requires you to put material into 9 separate bins, with the threat of fines and jailtime if you happen to put the wrong material in the wrong bin. Maintaining your lawn is considered a sign of 'moral decadence.'

Religion: The population is obsessed with being de-baptised. Muslims have special rights over Christians. The Holocaust is minimized so as to not offend Muslims. Burka swimwear is required at public pools even for non-Muslims.

The first point reminds me of a book by Anthony Burgess titled '1985'. The first half is an essay about Orwell's 1984 in which he argues that Orwell's view of boot-stomping tyranny was not what would come to England but that rather it would be a tyranny of labor unions controlling everything, punishing any dissension with loss of union credentials and an inability to get any work or government assistance. Against the unions the only alternate sphere of power were oil-rich Muslims who were the only ones who used (and were allowed to use) non-union labor. It's been quite awhile since I read it, a used copy, since I think it's one of the few of Burgess' novels not currently in print (perhaps a little too close to the truth for comfort). Anyway it's well worth a read, you can get a used copy on Amazon.

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