Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Racism exposed by her own words yet it's the messenger's fault...bwahahaha

Disgraced USDA Official Blames Fox News and Tea Party For Her Dismissal


Unknown said...


jerry said...

Of course it was the Tea Parties fault. They made her say what she did. Wasn't Bush involved somehow?

Or, is it blacks can't be racist because they have no power.

From people who called W every thing imaginable, I find the sudden sensitivity to Tea Party signs laughable.

The racism is from the left no matter how much the government run media, CNN, et al, make believe otherwise.

jerry said...

An addendum:

What about the posting below where blacks call other blacks who are tea party members Kapo's? That's just slipped by your attention did it?

As a person knowledgeable about the Holocaust you didn't find this the slightest bit offensive.

Unknown said...

For someone who prides himself on reading the facts, your hatred of the left unbelievable. I have come to believe that you HATE Obama for not what he believes in, but the color of his skin. If you do not see the racism in some of the tea party people, then you are part of the problem. All I did was post an article giving the context of the woman's comment.

jerry said...

I hate Obama because of his policies not the color of his skin. I hate Bill Ayers as well for the same reason. They are both intent of remaking America into a Socialist/Communist state. The Left has been silent on the murders of they're friends. America's press is silent on the dictators in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, etc. But, they do have it in for American Conservatives.

If you believe all the claims of racism against the Tea Party you're just drinking Democrat Kool-Aid.

The racism charge is a way to neutralize what the Tea Party is all about. It's not about race but an out of control government.

You never mention the racism that is acceptable because it comes from Democrats, the NAACP, black Congress critters. Remember Cynthia McKinney and her Jew hating father?

Once again you've ducked commenting on the Kapo comment posted.

Unknown said...

"If you believe all the claims of racism against the Tea Party you're just drinking Democrat Kool-Aid. "

Never said that. There are racists in the tea party. I guess you never saw the sign that says" Obamanomics, Monkey see Monkeys spend" Or the one that says "SlaveOwner Taxpayer = Niggar". I would upload the photo but I do not think there is a way. BTW, I did not photoshop the photos, although I can do a much better job then BP. To make you happy, Racism by anybody is wrong.

Nope didn't duck the Kapo. No time to research the comment.