Friday, November 12, 2010

Bias at MSNBC, who would have thought.

Van Jones another Obama acolyte knows absolutely nothing about economics or the purpose of business. Hire the unemployed to do what dig up and fill ditches? You need to make things people want or need. But, that concept is to far a stretch for Communists because all they understand is how to be in thuggery to take things and play dictator so they can give it all away to the people they think are deserving. Like the simple minded Marxist he is, he thinks that people are just going to stay around and be mugged. It's a part of the Left's stupid static view of economics. They can and will react.
I doubt if Mr. Jones has actually held a job where something of significant value was produced? Much less try to get something done that doesn't require sucking at the public teat. He represents the parasitism of the left. Given free run they will destroy the host, America.

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