Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Use your own expletive

US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit


Anonymous said...

I know other presidents have visited other countries. Is this one more expensive? Less necessary? How does it measure up to the usual diplomatic visits? I truly have no idea what to think. 200 million is a lot of money, but is it unusual for this kind of thing?

John said...

It's hard to find comparables. Waxman did an investigation of campaign related travel by Bush in 2006 and claimed that of about $6-7 million for about 45 trips only about $200k was reimbursed by the campaign. Not directly comparable since it wasn't an official trip and not overseas, but gives some idea of the difference in scale.

This article from 2000 calls a Clinton trip at $50 million the most expensive presidential overseas trip ever. So it would seem that while profligacy and fiscal irresponsibility in the office of the POTUS (and Congress) have been growing steadily for years (and by both parties) Obama seems hellbent on making previous excesses look like rounding errors.

jerry said...

Why the huge number of people going? It sounds more like a Saudi Prince's vacation then anything else.

Wonder what old Harry Truman would have to say about our fearless leader's travel habits.

Unknown said...


If it looks too good to be true, check some facts and the source

John said...

Factcheck doesn't say its false, just that the claim is doubtful. A commenter elsewhere made this back of the envelope estimate:

For security purposes, I could see reporting some outrageous number of travelers - you wouldn't want to give away how the trip is being conducted, how much security detail there is, etc.

But if the dollar amount is real - that's a lot of dough. Especially if the number of people actually traveling is less than 3,000....

40 airplanes burning 1 gallon of fuel a minute at $10/gal for 40 hours (guesstimate of total airtime for round trip) comes out to about $1M total.

3000 people for 10 days at $100/hr plus $100/day for food and other expenses is $75M.

So, by my back of the envelope calculation it seems like they could do it for less than $1.8B.

I would argue that the $100/day is probably low, considering that they are taking over the entire Taj Mahal hotel where a quick check shows low room rates at $350/nt. I doubt many of the 3000 are doubling up. So if we up his estimate to $500/day, the total cost is raised to about $90mm.

The air costs seem too low as well. According the this congressional report, Air Force One costs about $60k/hr to operate so for 40 hours that comes to $2.4m just for Air Force one. The report also indicates that cargo planes cost about $7k/hr to operate, lets assume that passenger carrying flights cost more, perhaps $10k/hr. That comes to $400k/plane x 39 plans = $15.6mm + 2.4mm = $18mm in flight costs. That brings the total to over $100mm. Add another $50mm just for general government inefficiency and waste. Not $200m/day, but still an outrageous amount of other people's money and for what purpose exactly? We need to update Everett Dirksen's admonition to $100 billion here and there pretty soon adds up to real money.

jerry said...

Add to this the cost of the massive amount of security required for the whole group.

What do you expect from a President and wife who think they're entitled.

I still ask why in tough times what's the necessity for such a huge party? To stick a finger in the public's eye?

Unknown said...

Jerry: No matter what Obama does you will find fault. You based your last comment on the info in the original article. I guess you expect the President to just stay at home.

John: The back of the envelope estimate is based on the original article, by a blogger in India, which has no basis in fact. How in hell would he know home much this is going to cost. I doubt that the Secret Service gave him information. Like Jerry you believe everything negative about Obama.

BTW, when the White House commented that this is not true, I am sure you believe they are lying.

John said...


You seem incapable of absorbing facts. I did my own back of the envelope calculation with all assumptions stated plainly, based on the number of people going, the number of planes etc... and came up with a trip cost of well over $100 million.

Add to this some new info. There will apparently be a 1km bomb-proof tunnel built to transport Obama and entourage to the Gandhi museum. No cost estimate for that is given. While this is an above ground tunnel I am sure its cost is still in the millions and perhaps tens of millions.

There will also be a fleet of 34 warships off the Mumbai coast to offer additional security. (Not to mention the idiocy of removing all the coconuts from the trees along Obama's proposed path. What exactly is the coconut mortality rate in India?)

Add these into the mix and the 'discredited' Indian media estimate of $200mn/day doesn't look so outrageous anymore. Even if it is 'only' $200mn for the entire trip the amount is still outrageous. And for what purpose? To announce some new trade deals with the Indian government?