Friday, January 14, 2011

Civility...from the hate filled Democrats

Civility is the New Censorship

RUSH: I forgot all about the Coretta Scott King service. It took three hours for somebody to remember that there was a body in that casket, and that was Bill Clinton. So you see that's a parody of ours from years and years and years ago. There's a pattern of behavior here, of course very civil behavior. Let me ask you a question here. Was Saul Alinsky civil? Did he preach civility? Was Reverend Wright's church civil? Bill Ayers, architect of the Pentagon bombing, Obama's buddy, was he civil? Let's have some examples of leftist civility. The next time they talk about it, which will be sometime today, tonight, let's ask, "Let's have some examples of leftist civility. Where is leftist civility in any of your discussions of Sarah Palin?" Was John Kerry civil during his happy days protesting against the Vietnam War? Have you noticed we haven't heard much from Harry Reid? My guess is they locked him away somewhere, keep him away from this event 'cause very little that's civil comes out of his mouth.

Fortney "Pete" Stark, Barney Frank, well known for their civility, insulting their own constituents. Was Barbara Boxer civil when she berated that general for not calling her "Senator"? When the late Ted Kennedy went on the Senate floor and smeared Robert Bork when he was nominated to the Supreme Court by Reagan, was Kennedy civil in his vicious accusations against Bork? Was Joe Bite Me civil when he orchestrated a hateful smear campaign against Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings? And if you'll permit me to be blunt, you can say much about this current presidency, but civility is one of the last words that comes to mind when thinking and talking about this regime. Has Obama been civil to his predecessor, George W. Bush? Has Jimmy Carter been civil to the state of Israel? And who can forget all that civility surrounding the candidacy of Sharron Angle or Christine O'Donnell.

RUSH: President Obama urges civility in public discourse. F. Chuck Todd is now happily reporting this on MessNBC: President Obama urging civility in public discourse. When I think of the left wing, I think civil, don't you? Code Pink, the New Black Panthers, union bosses beating up black conservatives in St. Louis, ACORN, illegal alien marches, why, it doesn't get more civil than that. The trashing of the Tea Party movement for the last nearly two years, that's civil. When I think of MSNBC, I not only think of journalistic excellence, but civility, don't you? That whole class warfare thing, I mean that's nothing but civility on display. When I think of the counterculture movement of the sixties, I think civility. When I think of Rahm Emanuel, the man Obama chose as his own chief of staff two years ago, I think of civility. We don't need lectures from uncivil leftists about civility, much less Obama. Bitter clingers and all the other incendiary things he's had to say, both as a candidate and as president.

Give your civil reaction to the charge that you oppose Obama because he's black. Give me your civil reaction to you are a racist because you have criticized President Obama. Show me how to react in a civil way. Give me your civil reaction to this: You want to take money from the poor and line your pockets and the pockets of the rich. You don't care about the unfortunate. In fact, you and your buddies have created homelessness. Give me the civil reaction to that. If it was up to you, we would still have slavery today.

Give me the civil reaction to the entire sports media making up quotes about you, quotes suggesting that you support slavery, quotes utterly false and made up, give me the civil reaction to this. Give me the civil reaction to you don't care how many soldiers die when you send 'em into battle. It's all about oil profits for your contributors. Give me the civil reaction to any of this. And of course this exercise establishes that we don't need lectures from uncivil leftists. What is the civil reaction to being accused of inciting murder, the Oklahoma City bombing and now the Tucson shootings. Somebody tell me how to react to that in a civil way, in a way that the left would approve, in a way that the president would approve. What are we supposed to say, "You're right, I'm sorry. I won't do it again?" What is the civil response to this? Lest we forget just a few weeks ago we were told that people were shooting their TVs because Bristol Palin was on Dancing with the Stars, what's the civil reaction to that?

Sheriff Dupnik was in attendance at the speech last night. He was not on the dais. There was no dais. He was not in the front row. He was midway. He did not get a shout-out from Obama for his wonderful civility. By the way, is that an example of civility, Sheriff Dupnik, is he civil? What's the civil response to any allegation being made by Sheriff Dupnik? Now, Sheriff Dupnik did get a camera shot when Obama was talking about the great work that had been done by people in the area to bring order to the chaos.

What is the civil reaction to the president joking that you are a racist? What is the civil reaction to a TIME Magazine cover that asks are you good for America? Many of these questions I'm asking you are allegations that have been made about me and to me. What's the civil reaction? I would venture to say I've been pretty damn civil during all of this for 23 years, laughing at a lot of it. Apparently the civil thing for Sarah Palin to do is to get down on her hands and knees and beg forgiveness for her obvious crimes, and maybe that's what some Republican candidates would have done in the past. But Palin isn't that kind of Republican, whether she's a candidate or not, I don't kno

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