Friday, February 25, 2011

Democrat culture of corruption

Bay State immune to insurrection against hackerama
By Howie Carr |
Photo by Stuart Cahill (file)

Across the world, from Tripoli to Madison, the hackerama is in full retreat. The tax-fattened parasite classes, from Gaddafi to the greed-crazed teachers of Wisconsin, are on the run.

Except in Massachusetts.

If the United States were the Arab world, we’d be Syria, an island of tranquility, the people long since bullied into silence by a violence-prone minority sect determined to protect and preserve ... their lavish layabout lifestyles. The working people of Syria are oppressed by Alawites, we in Massachusetts are vexed by payroll patriots.

If these union hacks lived in Somalia, they’d be pirates.

Look at what’s happened here just this week. Two prominent Democrats were thrown into prison — one for helping her fugitive brother file false tax returns, the other, an avowed socialist, for molesting women — immigrant women, at that. The pair got a total of four months — they’ll both be out long before Memorial Day.

And a congressman, Mike Capuano, the tough street kid from Dartmouth College, goes ballistic on a handful of pro-democracy demonstrators on the Common and starts invoking deranged images of violence, of “blood in the streets.”

He’s just lucky the drunken savages egging him on didn’t seriously hurt anybody. After all, four-on-one is pinky-ring fun. It’s how they celebrate diversity.

What would Gabby Giffords think? Is it too late to add this puny purveyor of hate speech to the President’s Commission on Civility?

Meanwhile, life goes on in the kleptocracy. A new president of UMass is appointed — $550,000 a year including “deferred compensation.” I’m sure he’ll get along great with the once and future UMass-Boston vice chancellor for governmental relations and public affairs. That would be Arthur Bernard, gone from hackademia for three years to “work” at the State House, and now back again, for a mere $175,000. And no one says boo.

New Jersey, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Oklahoma . . . the insurrection spreads, except here. As John Walsh, the chairman of the ruling oligarchy, put it of his shiftless legions of hacks growing rich on the public payroll: “We have a governor who has worked hard to make them part of the solution.”

Yeah, kind of like the African mercenaries are part of the solution in Libya.

Will there be more moonbat hate speech on the Common this weekend? A word to you Bud Light-swigging union brothers fighting to keep your phony-baloney six-figure jobs and your fake disability pensions: If you decide to wade into an outnumbered crowd of pro-democracy demonstrators wielding your traditional lead pipes and rubber hoses, just remember to get the chant right this time:

Allah Hack-bar! Allah Hack-Bar!

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