Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Obama Tax Lies

Obama continues to outright lie in his push for the billionaire's, er, millionaire's, er, $200k+ tax. In Dallas he said "If asking a millionaire to pay the same tax rate as a plumber makes me a class warrior -- a warrior for the working class -- I will accept that." I say, great! Let's take him at his word and set the tax rate of everyone making over $50,000/yr to the same rate as those making $50,000/yr. While we're at it, let's eliminate all deductions, that will prevent those evil rich from using dirty tax loopholes. Where do I sign the petition.

(Currently the rate for single making $50,000 with no deductions would be 17.25%, average rate for family earning $50,000 is about 6-7%)

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