Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The NY Times losing whatever credibility it had...

Times Benghazi exposes strange embed-fellows

"Grenell, a former Romney campaign foreign policy spokesman, wondered how the Times story was sourced, to which @ddknyt replied: “@RichardGrenell we had a reporter on the scene talking to the attackers during the attack- still invaluable.”
[Hat tip to for cataloging]
Whoa. Whoa? What? Grenell and others were quick to jump up and ask: Really? The New York Times had a reporter embedded in the pack of insurgents that attacked our diplomatic compound and killed our ambassador and three other Americans?

NYT: liberal elite’s roving damage control team

In reality, the only way that this is really true is that NYT paid off one of the militants and logged it in the ledger as “pay for reporter” instead of “bribe for terrorist murderer of Americans.”
There was a time when Times men were patriotic Americans, but those days are gone. Now, they are part of the liberal elite’s roving damage control team.
One of the dirty secrets of journalism is that reporters keep more secrets than they expose. Many times that is because there is no way to formally verify a story well enough to print.
Other times, it is because telling the secret would contaminate a relationship or betray a confidence.
Then, there are the times when it is the Times, and its sisters in the ya-ya-green-fried-tomatoes liberal media sisterhood.
We have not heard all The New York Times knows, or for that matter what our leaders know about Benghazi.
Maybe, if we are good, we will find out next Christmas—after the 2014 midterms."

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