Wednesday, April 9, 2014

IRS Brownshirts...the Democrat shock troops.

IRS under fire: Vote for Obama stickers, campaign cheerleading commonplace

Agency still under fire for Lois Lerner-tea party targeting scandal

Even as the IRS faces growing heat over Lois G. Lerner and the tea party targeting scandal, a government watchdog said Wednesday it’s pursuing cases against three other tax agency employees and offices suspected of illegal political activity in support of President Obama and fellow Democrats.
In one case the Office of Special Counsel, which investigates federal employees who conduct politics on government time, said it was “commonplace” in a Dallas IRS office for employees to have pro-Obama screensavers on their computers, and to have campaign-style buttons and stickers at their office.
In another case, a worker at the tax agency’s customer help line urged taxpayers “to re-elect President Obama in 2012 by repeatedly reciting a chant based on the spelling of his last name,” the Office of Special Counsel said in a statement.
OSC said it is seeking “significant disciplinary action” against that employee.
Another IRS employee in Kentucky has agreed to serve a 14-day suspension for blasting Republicans in a conversation with a taxpayer.
Lois G. Lerner Lois G. Lerner more >
“They’re going to take women back 40 years,” the IRS employee said in a conversation that was recorded. The employee also said that “if you vote for a Republican, the rich are going to get richer and the poor are going to get poorer.”
That employee went on to tell the taxpayer she knew she wasn’t supposed to be voicing her political opinions, and asked the taxpayer not to say anything.
The federal Hatch Act prohibits most government employees from conducting politics on government time. OSC is charged with looking into those violations.
The accusations come as the IRS is still facing tough questions from House Republicans over its targeting of conservative groups seeking nonprofit status.
On Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Committee went into executive session to discuss passing a resolution officially referring Ms. Lerner, who headed the tax-exempt division of the IRS during the targeting, to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution

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