Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Do you agree with Obama that America is stronger today?

Obama claims US is 'stronger' than 'when I first came into office' as economy weakens, debt soars, America loses global influence and a crisis at the border

  • President made the claim at a Democratic fundraiser on Martha's Vineyard
  • US labor participation rate is at a 36-year low and America's debts have grown by $7 trillion since he took office
  • Fifty-five per cent of Americans say the US is weaker under Obama, and just one-quarter believe the country is headed in the right direction
  • Pols from right and left are ripping into his Middle East policies, with Obama saying criticism of his actions in Syria is horses**t'
  • Non-interventionist foreign policy has brought snickers as Obama refuses to protect Ukraine from Putin-led invasion and Iraq pullout backfires

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