Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Why not to trust Labor Department jobs statistics

We determined last week that Labor Secretary Thomas Perez is a clown because he laughs when people like me point out questionable data coming from his organization. So, for Clowny’s sake, let’s look into this some more.
My readers already know how Labor uses guesstimates to goose employment totals higher almost every month of the year — based on jobs it believes, but can’t prove, were created.
And Labor thinks this happens no matter what the economy is doing — like in April, when the economy was doing not much better than the miserable performance it notched in the first quarter.
No matter — Labor added 223,000 seasonally adjusted phantom jobs in April. So I asked Labor how many “real” phantom jobs it took to create the 223,000 seasonally adjusted phantom jobs.
They said they can’t tell me because that isn’t one of the things they calculate. Really?! So the government added this very generous guess to its totals and nobody — in all of Labor — can figure out this one little thing.
And Perez laughs when people bring up questions like this. What a dolt! I say Labor’s reports are wrong. And they are misleading policymakers who are trying to get the economy going again.

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