Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Vote fraud: How many New Yorker's voted in Florida?

Bombshell Discovery Reveals Major ‘Discrepancy’ In 2016 Votes

President Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has set out to seek justice.
The Government Accountability Institute (GAI) discovered that “thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes from people who registered and voted in more than one state.”
GAI used lists of public voter data from only 21 states to match names birthdays and social security numbers to find 8,471 votes from 2016 were duplicated.
You can estimate the number of fraudulent votes based on all 50 states and the GAI conservatively estimated that to be around 45,000. 45,000 duplicate votes
“To put this number of fraudulent votes in perspective, Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire by fewer than 3,000 votes out of over 700,000 cast. Just this number of duplicate votes alone has the power to swing state results and, in turn, elections.”
The GAI took a small sampling of Rhode Island voters and attempted to show the state’s election officials. But the state didn’t do anything about it or even acknowledge the fraud.
Instead, in an obvious attempt to deter the Government Accountability Institute, the state said that the institute would have to file a “voter challenge” and would be subject to a misdemeanor penalty if it filed a “false challenge.”
The fact that these election officials did not want to thoroughly investigate possible voter fraud illustrates one of the problems in this area: Too many election officials don’t want to know about these problems, and refuse to do anything when it is brought to their attention.
This proves that voter fraud is a real thing and that is had a large impact on the 2016 election. But don’t tell the left, they are trying to hide it.

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