Thursday, March 12, 2020

Joe Biden’s Bizarre Outburst Is Everything That Is Wrong With The Democrat Party

Joe Biden’s Bizarre Outburst Is Everything That Is Wrong With The Democrat Party

Joe Biden, the Chauncey Gardner of American politics, the guy Elwood P. Dowd thinks is cracked, used to be sort of amusing. Except he’s not amusing anymore. His decline is sad to see, but the obnoxious sense of unearned entitlement he projects – as demonstrated by his outrage over that uppity working-class guy who dared question the ancient job applicant – is intolerable.
Buzz off, you crusty, credit card company-shilling jerk.
Think about the image his latest confrontation projected, of a guy who sweats while he works getting an incoherent, finger-wagging lecture from a pompous clown steamed that this peasant isn’t on his knees genuflecting before the Democrat Demigod of Dover. There once was a time when the Democrats styled themselves as the party of the working man – for all his myriad flaws, Biden’s crustacean competitor Bernie Sanders at least pays lip service to the workers – but that day is long past. Begone, you dirty-nailed cis-trogs, with your uncurated ideas of gender identity and upper body strength.


Kurt  Schlichter
Posted: Mar 12, 2020 12:01 AM

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