Thursday, December 10, 2020

"We ain't f***in' around!" Thugs in the streets and in government post below)

'Call the cops!' one leftist taunted the journalists as they were forced out. 'Go file a police report and see how useful they are!'

A gang of militant leftists were caught on video descending upon a Portland TV news reporter and videographer who dared to enter their "autonomous zone" — and they proceeded to bully, physically attack, and force out the news team.

What's the background?

The "autonomous zone" was set up the same day leftists militants were caught on video chasing Portland police away from the foreclosed house. In fact, they kicked and threw rocks at retreating police vehicles and ran up on cops and appeared to try to steal their equipment while taunting and threatening them as they literally chased officers down a street.

"We ain't f***in' around!" one militant was heard yelling at cops while another leftist declared, "I'll knock you the f*** out, bitch!"

Here's the clip. Content warning: Language:


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