Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Shades of Marie Antoinette

Trudeau stokes divisions by branding 7,000-strong Freedom Convoy in Ottawa as 'swastikas wavers': Anti-mandate protesters blockade busiest border crossing to US at Detroit

  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke out against trucker protests paralyzing Canada's capital city
  • Trudeau, speaking Monday on the floor of the legislature the first time since the crisis began, warned demonstrators they were affecting the economy and trying to undermine democracy
  • He branded protesters in Ottawa as a 'few people shouting and waving swastikas' 
  •  He dismissed opposition viewpoints that the trucks and big rigs parked throughout in Ottawa were a symbol of how bitterly divided the country was over the pandemic
  • 'This is a story of a country that got through this pandemic by being united, and a few people shouting and waving swastikas does not define who Canadians are,' Trudeau said 
  • 'This pandemic has sucked for all Canadians,' the prime minister said. 'Everyone's tired of COVID, but these protests are not the way to get through it'  
  • Tucker Carlson slammed Trudeau's response, claiming the demonstrators are being treated like terrorists
  • Canadian truckers blasted the government and Ottawa police Monday after members of their 'Freedom Convoy' protest were arrested and charged with hate crimes  
  • Demonstrations continued into Tuesday as trucks blocked traffic on the Ambassador Bridge, the busiest border crossing to the United States, between Detroit, Michigan and the Canadian city of Windsor, Ontario
  • The bridge, which is normally traveled by approximately 8,000 big rigs a day, remained closed on the U.S. side Tuesday morning, according Michigan Department of Transportation
  • US sympathizers with the blockade marched across Brooklyn Bridge in solidarity with the Freedom Convoy

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