Thursday, April 14, 2022

Telling the truth about Fauci cost.

The Doctor Who Exposed Fauci’s Fallacies and Got Harassed and Fired from HHS for Telling the Truth

Dr. Paul Elias Alexander was a well credentialed, internationally known epidemiologist invited by Trump administration officials to be part of the COVID 19 response team at the White House in April of 2020. He packed up his family, leaving a secure and prominent position in Canada to move to Washington, DC.  

But then he criticized the public health mandates by Drs. Fauci, Collins, and Birx and showed them research that proved they were wrong about lockdowns, school closings, masking, and social distancing.

Following that, he was silenced, harassed and then fired. 

The Trump White House staff and leadership knew what was happening but did nothing to stop the Fauci and NIH/CDC-led deep state malefactors. 

I was enraged reading Dr. Alexander's personal account, excerpted below, telling of the DC savagery.  I knew he had left McMaster University in Ontario where he was part of the GRADE Working Group, an international consortium of medical researchers promoting reliable, evidence based medical research (EBM).  Doctor Alexander has been a stand-up man advocating good medical science his whole career. The details of this truthful doctor’s mistreatment in DC were shocking and maddening.
Excerpts below tell the story of Dr. Alexander in DC via his essay.  I will provide excerpts and ellipses to get you through the 3000-plus word essay.  Read the whole essay at this link.


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