Thursday, April 7, 2022

Why are Democrats averse to civilization?

Crime is running rampant throughout Manhattan’s key commercial neighborhoods — and local business leaders are banding together to demand help from Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Crime across Manhattan’s Midtown South district has spiked by more than 50% year to date — wreaking havoc across a crucial corridor for commuters and shoppers alike that includes Penn Station, Grand Central Terminal and the Port Authority Bus Terminal, police data show.

Meanwhile, grand larceny is up 45% on the Upper East Side, which encompasses prime shopping strips on Madison, Lexington and Third avenues between East 57th and East 86th streets. Organized rings of shoplifters who are targeting high-end boutiques are a key driver of the spike, retailers say.

“The organized crime in our district is our biggest issue,” said Matthew Bauer, president of Madison Avenue BID. “And the fact that there is a market for the goods that are being stolen from stores.” 

That’s why Madison Avenue BID is banding together with business improvement districts in Midtown to send a message to Albany, pleading with Hochul and other New York politicians to help them grapple with the mentally ill, drug addicts and brazen criminals who increasingly have been given free rein.

Gov. Hochul standing in front of a microphone.
Business leaders are lobbying Gov. Hochul to address a surge in crime.
Getty Images
NYC crime chart
Midtown South has seen crime rise across the board so far in 2022.

“The deterioration of public safety and the quality of life in Midtown Manhattan needs and deserves a solution,” the Midtown BID Coalition said in a letter to Hochul in late March on the eve of budget discussions.

High-profile violent attacks on visitors and New Yorkers alike — some resulting in murder — along with reports of smash-and-grab thefts in the city’s tony neighborhoods and commuters being harassed by mentally ill people have created an image of the Big Apple as a lawless city, business groups say.

Crime stats for the key Midtown South neighborhood paint a grim picture: So far this year, murders in the area are up more than 33%, rapes are up more than 34% and robberies are up a staggering 60%. In total, crime us up 55.2% in the area, as of the most recent NYPD figures the came out the first week of April.

Indeed, a March survey by the Partnership for New York City found that “personal safety” is the number one concern for New York metro area employees in deciding to return to their offices in Manhattan.

NYPD officers with an arrested man in handcuffs.
NYPD officers arrest a homeless man charged in the fatal stabbing of a man near Times Square.
Steven Hirsch
Michelle Go
Michelle Go was pushed onto subway tracks in Times Square and killed in January.

In Times Square, crime was up 20% in January 2022 from last year’s already dismal figures, according to the Times Square Alliance. And while the number of people passing through the Crossroads of the World reached 320,000 the last weekend in March — a “solid improvement,” according to alliance president Tom Harris — it is still down 19% from the same period in 2019.

“There is certainly a perception that the city is not as safe as it used to be and that there are no consequences for minor offenses,” said Harris, who is part of the newly formed Midtown BID Coalition, the sole focus of which is addressing public safety.

Midtown South, the 14-block stretch from 30th to 44th streets between Ninth and Madison avenues, has been hit with a 51% surge in crime this year versus the same period a year ago, according to police data. 

The real number is probably even higher, as most people don’t take the time to file a police report when they are “whacked on the head, rushing to the subway,” said Barbara Blair, president of the Garment District Alliance.

A homeless person leaning over a rail in a subway station.
Business leaders say the state needs to provide more funding for programs and services that address homelessness in NYC.
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
A man sitting at the bottom of a subway staircase.
Commuters say their number one concern about returning to their offices in the city is safety, according to a March survey.
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Indeed, 16 of the local business group’s 70 employees over the past year have been physically assaulted during their commutes to its offices at 209 W. 38th St. — including vice president Jerry Scupp, who along with his adult son was attacked by a disturbed man as they were walking to the A train on their way home, according to Blair.

 “A man started screaming and began violently attacking my son from behind, hitting him on the head and back,” Scrupp told The Post. “I jumped in between them and he began flailing at me and yelling.”

The spike has been fueled by ex-Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision at the height of the pandemic to house 1,200 of the 10,000 homeless New Yorkers who had previously been living in congregate housing in the Garment District’s 53 hotels, according to the alliance.

The Garment District has a disproportionate number of methadone and needle exchange clinics because it’s largely zoned for manufacturing even though most of the sewing factories have long since moved out of the neighborhood. 

NYPD and FDNY officials investigating a crime.
Officers inspecting a crime scene.

The drug dealers moved in” and have never left, Blair said.

“Because of how the city used this neighborhood during the pandemic, we have been disproportionately affected,” Blair added. “What I see is public disorder, people running around and intimidating others and that is what is frightening to people.”

On the Upper East Side, stores are lately closing earlier, Bauer said. Before the pandemic, more were staying open until 7 p.m., but now many are closing at 6. 

In February, the RealReal boutique on Madison Avenue was hit when a group of seven crooks stole jewelry, watches and handbags worth about $500,000. Last year, incidents included an attack on the flagship Givenchy store in which a group of thieves used a hammer to smash the door open and grab $80,000 worth of handbags and clothing.

“There is considerable security presence in the stores now,” Bauer said. “Lights are left on overnight and stores are investing in a film that goes over a window glass to make it resistant to being bashed.” 

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