Monday, July 18, 2022

The movement to protect black criminals


The latest cause celebre for leftists in Minnesota is the case of Tekle Sundberg. Sundberg tried to murder a young woman, Cassandra Yarbrough, whom he apparently did not know. Police were called, Sundberg fired repeatedly from within an apartment, there was a standoff that lasted for hours, officers tried to negotiate with Sundberg and brought in family members to try to persuade him to surrender. Under circumstances that are not yet clear, officers eventually shot and killed Sundberg. My colleague David Zimmer, a veteran of 37 years in law enforcement, has a sober and unbiased review of the facts as we know them so far.

Unfortunately, the usual race hustlers have gotten involved. The detestable Benjamin Crump has turned up, purporting to represent Sundberg’s family. And yesterday a group of mostly-white leftists protested at the apartment building where the incident took place. No doubt they were surprised to be confronted by Cassandra Yarbrough, the woman whom Sundberg was trying to kill. She expressed strong disapproval of their demonstration. Her reminders that Sundberg tried to murder her, in front of her two small children, were greeted with shouts of “liar!”–somewhat ironic, since she was there, and they weren’t–and “shut up,” the main liberal argument these days:

I commend this young woman for having the courage to stand up to the mob on behalf of herself and her children.

The story has generated quite a bit of Twitter activity, including this from Benjamin Crump:

Crump’s take has not been well received. This, for example, comes from Matt Walsh:

Another, with a more realistic view of Sundberg:

The would-be murder victim comments:

“Jim Treacher” also replied to Crump:

Liberals have gone stark, raving mad on crime. It is obvious, even without recent election results, that other than felons, liberals speak for only a tiny fraction of the population on this issue. Least of all do they speak for the victims of black crime, who are overwhelmingly black themselves. Kudos to Ms. Yarbrough for standing up against the liberals.

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