Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The cause of mass incarceration

Monstrous thugs recorded 'barbaric' torture and sexual assault of a mom before murdering her, Alabama police say

An Alabama mother was allegedly abducted, tortured, sexually assaulted, and finally murdered by a group in what police are calling a "deplorable and sickening" crime.

Birmingham police arrested eight suspects connected to the murder of Mahogany Jackson, a 20-year-old mother of one child. 

On the morning of February 25 at about 8 a.m., Jackson contacted her mother saying, “Send the police apt 3 held hostage don’t call," and also sent her location to her sister. 

The next day, her body was found with a gunshot wound to the back of the head. Her body was found under a mattress at an illegal dumping site in Birmingham.

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