James Carville’s vile, racist attack on Israel and its supporters in America
James Carville’s career matches the trajectory of the Democrat party. Once, he was a pragmatic political strategist who managed to get Bill Clinton into the White House by focusing on economic issues. Then, he was a sleazy misogynist who helped Clinton skate past his history of sexual assaults. Now, he’s just another racist Democrat operative. Nowhere is that clearer than in his racist attack on Israel and its supporters in America. According to Carville, the only reason Republicans support Israel is because they think it’s a “white” country. This is offensive and ignorant at more levels than I can count.
Carville made his unhinged remark during his own podcast to challenge the fact that, unlike the now openly antisemitic Democrats, Republicans strongly support Israel:
Democratic strategist James Carville during a Thursday podcast said Republicans only characterize themselves as Israel supporters because Jews are more white than Palestinians.
“It’s really about the misogyny and the racism that drives the thing, and we got to recognize that. It’s not about any policy prescription. And the reason I suspect that most of these people describe themselves as pro-Israel is because the Jews are whiter than the Palestinians, which I think drives a lot of what they are,” Carville said.
Does Carville even listen to himself? If there’s one thing real white supremacists hate even more than blacks, it’s Jews. If the Republicans really are as racist as Democrats insist—and they’re not—they’d hate Israel more than any other nation in the world.
But as we all know, racial obsessions are a Democrat hobby horse, something that’s been driving them since the antebellum era. It was Democrats who supported race-based slavery, the one-drop rule, “separate but equal,” Jim Crow, and every other racially tied form of hate. And now, having merged themselves with Karl Marx’s communism and Mohammed’s Islam, Democrats have embraced with equal fervor Marx’s and Mohammed’s abiding hatred for Jews.
Given these facts, you’d think that Republicans could erase the smear of racism by pointing out that, unlike Democrats, they don’t define people by race but, instead, look at them as individuals. However, in the Looking-Glass World that is modern leftism, daring to believe that we should judge people by the mutable qualities over which they have control (i.e., their values) rather than by the immutable quality over which they have no control (i.e., their skin color) is racist.
This makes it impossible, of course, for a conservative to retain his values and to push back against the “R” word that Democrats throw around with such abandon. In other words, while we can theoretically defeat Carville’s racist attack through logic, Democrats no longer function in a logical world.
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