Friday, November 6, 2009

A Song About the NEA Scandal

Listen here. Lyrics are below:

YOSI NEEDS A HUG — by Gary Eaton

Barack and Kalpen, Buffy, Rahm, Rocco and Yosi
You can look all you want,
But you’ll never find a Doug
Then Yosi got caught ‘cause he got too cozy
Now he’s out on his ass
Poor Yosi needs a hug

Blame it on Glenn Beck
Blame it on Faux news
If that doesn’t work
You can blame it on the Jews

Barack and Kalpen, Buffy, Rahm, Rocco, and Yosi
They want to change the world
Whether we like it or not
But someone named Patrick whose last name I can’t pronounce
He went rogue
And they all got caught

Blame it on Glenn Beck
Blame it on Faux news
If that doesn’t work
You can blame it on the Jews


Unknown said...

From David Milbank's column in today's Washington Post talking about the demonstration against health care in DC. Apparently the right blames the Jews also.
"A few steps farther was the guy holding a sign announcing "Obama takes his orders from the Rothchilds" [sic], accusing Obama of being part of a Jewish plot to introduce the antichrist. "

libertarian neocon said...

I think the anti-semites on the right are a much smaller minority than the anti-semites of the Left. After all, it is the right that supports Israel's right to defend itself, while the Left doesn't. They don't even think Israel has a right to build a wall to keep suicide bombers out.

Unknown said...

Where did you get information that there is a smaller minority of anti-semites on the left then on the right?

Unknown said...

Oops, correction, smaller on the right then on the left

jerry said...

Let's look at some of the prominent Left/Democrat anti Semites/Israel haters. A short list:
Noam Chomsky, Sean Penn, George Soros,Code Pink, Jimmy Carter, Jesse Jackson, Ward Churchill, the 36 Democrats that voted against the recent Congressional resolution opposing the Goldstone report.

Unknown said...

So you are defending Max's comment with known people. That's a relief. Then the number is really small of left wing anti-semites in the US. I do not know the names of the Nazi group members, skinheads, Holocaust deniers, etc., so therefore their number is zero.

jerry said...

And by what measure do you call skinheads, holocaust deniers, etc. Conservatives or Republicans? The whacky Lyndon LaRouche people who carry provocative signs are on the left side philosophically and they represent all those anti Semite characteristics you oppose.

Code Pink has the Presidents ear and is about as anti Israel as you can get.

The people like Noam Chomsky are powerful thinkers for the Democrat/Left, who if you haven't noticed are in power.

Jimmy Carter is given a seat of prominence at Obama's election. No need to chronicle his anti Israel bias.

Here's a project for you. Give me names, date and specifics of any holocaust denier, skinhead or NAZI group that has received support from Republicans or Conservatives.

Obama sat in the Rev. Wright's church for 20 years, yet never heard the anti Jew/anti Israel comments. Do you think the Reverend's G-d damn America was just a single outburst?

Unknown said...

Again you are way off topic. Max made a comment that the left having more anit-semites then the right. That is all I responded to. Your last comment is irrelevant to my first comment. Maybe Max can provide an answer to my original comment. Please stay on topic. BTW, in my mind, being anti-Semitic is a lot different then not supporting Israel in the manner you deem correct

jerry said...

Max is right. The Left is full of Jew haters and anti Israel types. Zccording to Desmond Tutu to be against Israel is to be an anti Semite.

Unknown said...

That is not what Max said. He said that there were more on the left then the right.

libertarian neocon said...

Boy turn around and suddenly there are like 10 columns to a throw away post about funny little song. Bob, my information is not statistical in any way but is anecdotal. I don't think I have ever had an argument about Israel with any conservative republican about Israel. If anything they have been nothing but supportive. If they are pro-Israel I assume they are not anti-semitic since that wouldnt make much sense, to hate Jews but love Israel, would it?

On the left I've had many arguments about Israel with them calling Israel a bunch of baby killers, jesus killers etc. They defend suicide bombers going on buses. They basically are questioning the whole right of Israel to defend itself. To me their positions seem not only anti-Israel but anti-semitic.

And Jerry is right, neo nazis are not right wing (they are national socialists after all) and have no involvement with our side of the aisle. The only prominent Republican out there who is obviously both anti-semitic and anti-Israel is Pat Buchanan. But he has prety much been ostracized by the right (so ostracized that he is on MSNBC not Fox).

Unknown said...
