Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

Two Oversight Officials Fired Hours After Pointing Out Anti-Police Bias In Chicago's Office Of Police Accountability

Tyler Durden's Photo
TUESDAY, SEP 17, 2024 - 09:05 AM

Two members of the Chicago Civilian Office of Police Accountability were fired at the end of last month...immediately after they complained to the Inspector General about bias against police.

Matt Haynam, deputy chief administrator for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA), responsible for investigating Chicago Police misconduct, was abruptly dismissed during a virtual meeting with COPA Chief Andrea Kersten and general counsel Robin Murphy, according to a report from Law Enforcement Today, citing the Chicago Sun Times.

Earning $163,068 annually, Haynam said he was given no explanation for his immediate termination. Within 90 minutes of the meeting, COPA employees arrived at his home to collect his city-issued car, computer, and phone.

Haynam said he received a text from supervising investigator Garrett Schaaf, who had been similarly fired. Schaaf, who earns $117,792 annually, declined to comment.

Making Americans poorer and unemployed

Watch: Resident Of PA Manufacturing Town Exposes Reality Of Haitian 'Great Job Replacement'

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, SEP 16, 2024 - 06:20 PM

While Americans were hyper-fixated on the 20,000 Haitians the Biden-Harris administration dumped into Springfield, Ohio, through an expanded Temporary Protected Status program for migrants from the collapsed Caribbean nation, former President Trump shifted the conversation during a campaign rally last week to Charleroi, Pennsylvania. 

Ahead of Trump spotlighting the Haitian surge in the tiny blue-collar town of Charleroi during a rally last week in Arizona, we cited the think tank America 2100, which first revealed that the town's population of Haitian migrants exploded by 2,000% over the past two years.

Several downtown residents spoke with us about the ongoing migrant surge. They said when the national media began covering the situation in Springfield — they thought, "Wait a minute"—the same migrant influx orchestrated by the Biden-Harris administration was happening across their town. 

We spoke with one employee at a local shop, and we will keep his name anonymous for fear of retribution by local officials or the federal government. He provided us with helpful insight into the Haitian crisis in Charleroi. 

He said at least half of the town's population is now Haitian, noting the influx began to become noticeable under the Biden-Harris' first term, adding there was just a recent surge in new Haitians. Many of these migrants are beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status. 

As far as what is visible by residents, they explained the primary reason the Haitians were dumped into the town was because of Fourth Street Foods, a food manufacturer that produces quality frozen food products for the processed foods industrial complex. These foods end up being sold in major retail stores throughout the US. 

Let's remind readers in March, we penned a note titled "How Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Migrants To Exploit Cheap Labor," which is possibly how this entire scheme is being operated. The federal government alone can't possibly plan shelter and transportation arrangements for the migrants. 

The consequence of importing third-world migrants to replace blue-collar workers in the town crushes native households. Many residents complained that rents are out of control because the migrants exacerbated a housing shortage. Some have left the town for cheaper housing outside city limits.

The picture being painted in Charleroi is part of a much broader labor theme:

The individual said Haitians are being shuttled to and from the food packaging plants via a complex network of vans. There must be dozens and dozens of these vans, easily spotted while driving down city streets. Several of the vans had a logo with a sign that read  'The Wellington Agency,' a staffing company. 

Several times during the ride-along with the individual, Haitian drivers nearly hit the vehicle. He noted that one local DMV worker posted on the town's Facebook page about licenses being handed out to migrants like candy. He said migrants are sparking accidents all over town, which has led to a surge in insurance rates. 

One of the biggest takeaways is that open southern borders and other ways to import migrants from third-world countries have not just been done for election purposes that favor Democrats but as a source of low-cost labor to mega-corporations as the great replacement of native-born workers with foreign-born workers plays out. Basically, the federal gov't and corporate America are selling out blue-collar workers for cheap migrants.

Residents of Charleroi had no say in their beloved town, sold out by local, state, and federal politicians and possibly a network of taxpayer-funded NGOs who facilitated the migrant invasion. Corporate profits are certainly being prioritized over the native residents. 

There was no mention of the Haitians eating dogs and cats, but there were numerous sightings of goat carcasses on a backroad that many in the town joked in a Facebook group: "Hide your goats." 

Here's what the Charleroi residents are talking about on their private Facebook group:

Watch: The ride-along in Charleroi occurred on Sunday while factories were shuttered and the town was quiet. 

And this. 

The biggest takeaway is that great replacement is ravaging American blue-collar households while the federal gov't and their corporate overlords import the third world to the first world just to make more profits.

Hillary's rhetoric is a danger to our country

Hillary Clinton calls Trump ‘danger to our country and the world’ — just one day after second assassination attempt

Kamala's noble prostitutes

Kamala Harris backed decriminalizing prostitution during 2020 campaign — and hasn’t changed her mind

Here’s one flip-flop Kamala Harris hasn’t made — yet.

The vice president and Democratic nominee has expressed support for decriminalizing prostitution, both as a senator from California and as San Francisco district attorney.

But with the 59-year-old up for the highest office in the land, the campaign has refused to say whether that stance holds.

Harris last commented on whether she thinks “sex work” should be legal for consenting adults back in 2019, during her failed run for the White House.

“I think so, I do,” Harris told The Root in an interview at the time

You mean like saying the Hunter laptop was really Hunter's...these totalitarians are now fully out of the closet

Hillary Clinton Says Americans Should Be Criminally Charged and Jailed for Spreading “Misinformation” (VIDEO)

Even though the would be assassin quotes them extensively....media disinformation

Dana Bash Claims Second Would-Be Assassin’s ‘Anti-Trump Posts’ Have ‘Nothing To Do With Kamala Harris And Joe Biden’

The right to defend yourself from anti Semites

Jewish Groups Issue Travel Warning About Massachusetts County Where Man Charged in Self-Defense Shooting

The truth is their enemy

Why Was Big Tech So Quick to Scrub Ryan Routh's Accounts?

12 Influencers Who Called for Violence Against Trump, Called Him an ‘Existential Threat to Democracy’


12 Influencers Who Called for Violence Against Trump, Called Him an ‘Existential Threat to Democracy’

Media misinformation/disinformation

The Media’s Criminal Misreporting on Crime

That was ABC News’ David Muir “fact checking” Donald Trump during his debate with Kamala Harris.

Two days later, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released the results of its national crime victimization survey, which showed that the number of victims of violent crime was 41% higher in 2023 than in 2020.

There were almost 170,000 more rapes, 300,000 more robberies, 1.4 million more assaults, 300,000 more claims of domestic violence, and almost 400,000 more crimes with a violent weapon.

The CCP's influence in American politics

New FDNY chief’s ties to China emerge amid federal probe into foreign influence on New York officials

For those who are following the Dolton, Ill. Tiffany Henyard corruption scandal

CAIR is a terrorist organization whose goal is domination: CAIR Objects to L.A. Proposal to Protect Synagogues from Harassment

CAIR Objects to L.A. Proposal to Protect Synagogues from Harassment

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers clash with anti-Israel protesters wearing Pa
David Swanson / AFP via Getty

LOS ANGELES, California — The California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is objecting to a proposal by the L.A. City Council to bar anti-Israel protesters from the entrances to synagogues.

The proposal is a response to a rise in antisemitism in the city associated with anti-Israel protests, especially several incidents in June in which pro-Palestinian activists targeted local synagogues, obstructing entrances in one case.

City Council members Katy Yaroslavsky and Bob Blumenfield demanded action in June, calling for more resources for safety. They are the authors of the new proposal, which would require an eight-foot “bubble zone” around synagogues and other religious institutions.

The Los Angeles Times described the proposal in August, reporting that it “would make it a misdemeanor for protesters to intentionally block the entrances of healthcare facilities, schools or religious institutions — or demonstrate within 8 feet of anyone trying to get inside. The protective 8-foot “bubble” would be required within 100 feet of a facility’s entrance.” It would apply to mosques as well as to synagogues.

Monday, September 16, 2024

The decline of Minneapolis

'It's a zoo out here, man': Teen girl killed after driver plows into crowd following late-night fight in downtown Minneapolis

City leaders 'should have their asses down here starting at 11 o'clock at night and let them walk around and watch the shortage of police officers and what's happened.'

These Hollywood morons are vile pompous virtue signalers

Bette Midler reposts conspiracy theory about shooting and accuses Trump of inciting violence against Taylor Swift

The BBC is a left wing liar...see how they try to deflect his political anti Trumpism

Who is Ryan Wesley Routh, suspect in Trump assassination attempt?

BBC News

Retraction Watch

The week at Retraction Watch featured:

The would be assassin is a staunch Democrat Nazi lover

Would-Be Trump Assassin Palled Around With Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade In Ukraine: What Did The Government Know?

Tyler Durden's Photo
MONDAY, SEP 16, 2024 - 06:40 AM

Perhaps the most interesting angle to attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh's recent history in his Ukraine connection. We documented that when he went to Ukraine to recruit for its International Legion in 2022 he was a Western mainstream media darling for a time, having been quoted on behalf of the cause to get more foreign fighters thrown into the battle against Russia by a who's who of major media sources from FT to Newsweek to the NY Times.

But when he arrived in Ukraine, according to these media reports, the 58-year old Routh himself was considered too old to fight alongside the Ukrainian army. "So plan B," Routh described to one outlet, "was to come to Kiev and promote the idea of many others coming to join the International Legion. We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians." 

"There are about 190 countries on our planet, and if the governments are not officially sending soldiers here, then we civilians should pick up this torch and make it happen," he described. He had told Newsweek in a video interview from Ukraine that the war with Russia was as simple as "good vs. evil" and essentially the same as good guys and bad guys in the Hollywood movies Americans grew up with. It was not a gray conflict, he described, but "black and white".

Islamists consider women slaves

Iran: How tradition and law are used to kill women

Elina Farhadi | Darko Janjevic

2 hours ago

The death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of Iran's morality police shook Iran and the world, but femicide for "honor" is often overlooked.

Springfield Ohio

Fatal accidents in Springfield, Ohio, jumped four-fold last year — as residents say migrants unfamiliar with US rules

Fatal car accidents in Springfield, Ohio, increased four-fold last year, The Post has learned — as residents say a surge of Haitian migrants unfamiliar with US driving has turned their streets into the Kentucky Derby.

Eight people were killed in seven car accidents in Clark County in 2023, up from just two fatalities in two accidents in 2022, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol overseeing the county comprising the small city.

Traffic accidents involving injuries in Springfield have also risen, climbing to 414 so far this year compared to 362 in 2023 — a 14% increase.

A Federal trial and Google's political interference...Google has no ethical standard

Top Google lawyer coached Kamala Harris for Trump debate — and tech antitrust watchdogs are crying foul

A top lawyer for Google in the search giant’s landmark trial with the US government is also a key adviser to the Kamala Harris campaign — and tech antitrust watchdogs are calling the cozy relationship “outrageous,” The Post has learned.

In a doubleheader that turned heads across the Beltway, Google attorney Karen Dunn last Tuesday delivered an opening defense in Virginia federal court against the Biden-Harris Justice Department’s lawsuit targeting its digital ad business – and then reportedly raced out of the courtroom to assist Harris that same afternoon with final preparations to take on Trump in Philadelphia.  

“You couldn’t have scripted this any better if you were writing a TV movie,” said Jeff Hauser, executive director at the Revolving Door Project.

With Harris receiving rave reviews over her debate performance against Trump, Dunn’s influence in Democratic circles is hitting its peak. That could bode well for Google, which was already determined to have an illegal monopoly over online search in a separate federal trial.