Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is a Trillion Dollars?

It's become pretty clear that nobody really fathoms how much a trillion dollars is or else our fearless leader wouldn't have even thought of proposing a budget with trillion dollar plus deficits. Dennis Slothower in his Stealth Stocks newsletter puts a trillion into perspective:

Here's a reminder of just how big $1 trillion dollars is:

Since money is really only useful when it's spent, how about we put a $1 trillion dollar example into those terms?

If you were to spend a million dollars per day, how long would it take you to blow the whole trillion dollars?

If you were finishing it off today, you would've had to start 2,738 years ago, in the year 728 BC or a little before Babylonia made itself independent of Assyria or about the time Greece began to emerge from the Dark Ages after the fall of the Mycenaean civilization.

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