Thursday, July 18, 2013

This is how muchObama cares about your safety.

Violent criminals released by ICE if they are ‘Obama Dreamers’ [VIDEO]

In part three of three of his six-part interview with The Daily Caller, National ICE Council president Chris Crane explained what President Obama’s actions on immigration and blind eye to illegal immigration has made it nearly impossible for ICE agents to enforce the law.
“We can’t have Presidents of the United States picking and choosing which laws will and will not be enforced.” Crane said.
Crane went on to explain how President Obama’s de facto repeal of immigration enforcement has led to serious and dangerous criminals being set free. “What the Obama Administration has ICE agents now doing is we now go into jails and prisons looking for illegal aliens inside of those facilities who have committed and been convicted of crimes. So we apply the Dream Act not to kids, in schools, but to adult inmates and have to ask them basically ‘Do you qualify for President Obama’s Dream Act?’ When they tell us ‘Yes we qualify’ we can’t even require them to give us any kind of proof, a transcript, or anything like that. We can’t detain them for investigation to substantiate the claims, we simply have to release them to the street. They walk out the back door of the jail as ‘Dreamers.’ There is nothing we can do about that.
Crane then related a story of a man who was detained for assaulting a family member, injured two ICE officers during his arrest and, despite the serious nature of his crime, was released because ICE managers informed the arresting officers that ‘He’s an Obama Dreamer, release him.’ Crane went on to explain “No investigation, no criminal charges, no consideration of the public safety threat. He’s an Obama Dreamer, let him go, and that’s a scary situation.”
Catch up with any of the parts of Chris Crane’s exclusive interview here:

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