Saturday, July 20, 2013

Western values or Sharia?

Choosing Evil

By James Lewis
Clare M. Lopez is that vanishing rarity in Washington, a professional intelligence analyst who tells the truth. This week she writes about Obama's systematic surrender in the Jihad War, the aggressive war on America that our political class has denied since September 11, 2001.

Lopez confirms in detail what many of us suspected: under Obama the US has flipped to the side of Islamic aggression.

She writes,

"... the United States of America has apparently abandoned the core principles of its Founding Fathers and capitulated to the forces of jihad and shariah.... "
Amazingly, the administration seems to follow the Muslim Brotherhood's ideological imam, Yousef al-Qaradawi.        It sure looks like we are now Qaradawi's string puppet:
"When al-Qaradawi said that Mubarak had to go, the U.S. waited a whole three days before throwing America's key ally in the Middle East for over three decades under the bus. When al-Qaradawi called for Libyan rebels to kill Muammar Qaddafi ... the U.S. led the Western military campaign that brought al-Qa'eda, the MB, and chaos to Libya. And when al-Qaradawi issued a call for jihad in Syria ...  It took the U.S. less than one week ... to announceauthorization of stepped-up military aid to the al-Qa'eda-and-Brotherhood-dominated Syrian rebels."

The Muslim Bros only have to pull a fatwah out of the hat and the United States of American jumps to do its bidding.

Rub your eyes and pinch yourself --- this is not a horrifying dream. It's all too real.

But surely Hillary can't be infected by the same disease?

Oh yeah?
"Since 2011, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been working closely with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation [OIC] to implement UN Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18, one of the key vehicles aimed at legislating restrictions on Americans' .... right to free speech

Anything that causes offense to Muslims will be forbidden. Remember the "Islamophobia" scare campaign? We are already on the way there, or have you tried to say a critical word about Muslims to a liberal lately.

The world knows about Ms. Huma Abedan as Hillary's personal Muslim Brotherhood assistant. Huma no doubt helped to advise our Secretary of State about that war they keep making on us.

Huma's husband is of course Anthony Weiner, the infamous crotch photo sexter, who has now jumped to the head of the pack for the Mayor of New York City.

That would be the American city that saw 3,000 civilian war dead on September 11, 2001. 

The word "Islam" means surrender. Not peace. The peace only comes after you surrender.
It could be that Obama is our Manchurian president, who learned as a child to surrender to Islam in that Indonesian madrassah. Could be.
Or it could be that this administration is merely perverse, turning upside-down and backwards every single moral position the United States has taken since George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Whatever the smelly details may be, it looks like we are now on the side of savage oppression of women, Jews, Christians, secularists, and every other heretic throughout the Muslim world.
Of course, it could all be just a coincidence.
But notice one more fact.
Thursday, Janet "Big Sis" Napolitano officially moved from Secretary of Homeland Security to the President of the University of California system.

In the same 24 hour period the UC Board of Regents named "student Muslim activist Sadia Saifuddin," age 21, to be its next student member.

Don't shut your eyes, don't turn away from the obvious.

In the Middle East people are already dying in the tens of thousands, after our turn to the dark side.

Funny thing is, that happens whenever the radical left comes to power in the world.

Ever notice that?


Linda Fox said...

Don't you sometimes feel as though you are speaking into a void?

I know I do.

I try to pass on the facts about our strange and cravenly administration, and am ignored by those who cannot, will not, see what is obvious.

jerry said...

Please remember only about one-third of the population was in favor of revolting against King George.

All we can do is stay faithful to the fight for freedom. Success is not guaranteed in the short term.