Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Decline of the West

Diplomad discusses the abysmal Obama administration foreign policy:

Collapse--Part I

Who among us with an IQ larger than Peter Dinklage's shoe size thinks Obama has an American foreign policy?

Everywhere around the globe, we see the collapse of the West, its influence, its values, its interests, its will to protect itself against both totalitarians and purveyors of anarchy. I cannot come up with another time in history when we have seen so rapid and total a collapse of Western foreign policy, and of Western understanding of how the world works. It would seem as though the most naive possible idiots have assumed power in the West, or, perhaps more accurately, people who hate the West have assumed control of the West.

Let's start with Europe, the Old World, once the center of the universe. Europe's once great creativity which shaped the modern world are now submerged in socialist economics, the demands of political correctness, and, of course, the quicksand of a "more perfect" EU--the bureaucratic monster to end all bureaucratic monsters. Europeans are willingly giving up their liberty and their heritage to the tender care of meddlesome well-paid bureaucrats. While those EUcrats worry about the curvature of bananas, the percentage of cocoa beans in chocolate bars, and the human rights of murderers and terrorists, Europe falls to an invasion of "immigrants," occupiers really, who hate and seek to destroy the very values that protect them in Europe.

Among the Europeans, the will to defend what is theirs has disappeared. Ancient European cities, the cradles of Western civilization, are increasingly nasty, rotten, no-go zones filled with the criminal advocates and practitioners of totalitarian Islam who live on the public dole and mock and detest the politically correct fools who provide it. Europe's leaders, prattling on about climate change and gay rights, quake in the shadow of a renascent and aggressive Russia led by a man who recognizes fear and weakness in others; he has shown NATO for the empty shell that it has become. Russia, now owner of a new military machine and flush with petrodollars and gaseuros, stands ready to resume a place on the borders of Old Europe, threatening to cutoff Europe's energy supplies--turning it into an ecologist's dream, i.e., a land unfit for human habitation. Internal decay spreads as armed aggression marches: the perfect storm. Europe is now a collection of dead and dying nations.

This time, however, no salvation comes from the New World. The disease and decay have spread across the Atlantic. America's increasingly ignorant and illiterate electorate--eager to emulate dying Europe--have put in power a coterie of quasi-Marxist thugs, ideologues, incompetents, racists, and, yes, haters of the very America they are sworn to serve and protect and which provides them with ample salaries and benefits. These malevolent creatures hate America; they cannot abide that the greatest citadel of freedom and liberty in the history of the world was founded by no-nonsense, gun-carrying, white male Christians--and I say that as a Jewish American, and the son of immigrants. They have accepted and propagated a perverted version of American history in which anybody not a white male Christian is a victim entitled to an endless array of benefits and to seeing an end to that "white male Christian nation."
Read the rest here.

1 comment:

Dymphna said...

I've been waiting for that post.

And in some quarters he will be lambasted for his quite ordinary factual account of the progress of white European males, Christians and Jews both- though the Jews, to use the phrase Obama trots out for visiting heads of small countries - "punched far above their weight".

Before the advent of the desert pirates on the seas of the Med, the rise of post-Empire prosperity proceeded apace, with a high literacy rate because those people were the naturally intelligent forerunners of those white European males who would bring us the arts, science and high culture which once upon a time, really did define them.

I can't wait to Diplomad's Part II. Hope there's a III, IV, and V, too.