Friday, April 6, 2018

City councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities at teen girls over one wearing a pro-Trump shirt. She should be prohibited from owning a firearm!

City councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities at teen girls over one wearing a pro-Trump shirt

City councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities at teen girls over one wearing a pro-Trump shirt
A Texas city councilwoman is accused of yelling obscenities a group of teenage girls on Saturday, apparently over one of them who was wearing a T-shirt supporting President Donald Trump. (Image source: KPRC-TV videos screenshot) 
A Texas city councilwoman is accused of yelling obscenities at a group of teenage girls on Saturday, apparently over one of them who was wearing a T-shirt supporting President Donald Trump.
Investigators at the Harris County Precinct One Constable’s Office on Wednesday filed a disorderly conduct charge against West University Place Councilwoman Kellye Burke, KPRC-TV reported.
West University Place, Texas, Councilperson Kellye Burke (Image source: KPRC-TV videos screenshot)
The girls said they were in line at Tiny’s Milk and Cookies in West University Place, which is in Houston metro area, waiting to buy cookies for younger girls at their nearby church, the station said.
Image source: KPRC-TV videos screenshot)
“A tall, short-haired blond woman came up to them and screamed, ‘Grab em by the [expletive] girls!'” the father of one of the girls — who declined to be identified in fear of retaliation against his daughter — told KPRC.
He added to the station that the girls initially tried to laugh off the remark.
“Then she yells it again,” the father told KPRC. “At that point the girls were getting kind of scared, and then the woman starts, you know, going, ‘MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!’ while shaking her fist.”
One of the girls was wearing a shirt that read, “Trump: Make America Great Again,” the dad told the station.
Image source: KPRC-TV videos screenshot)
He told KPRC the girls left without responding to the woman — but that one of the girls said she noticed the woman had taken a photo of her.
“They were scared,” the father told the station. “They were absolutely scared. My little girl essentially wanted to know if this woman was going to hurt her.”
Image source: KPRC-TV videos screenshot
West University Place police referred the case to the Harris County Precinct One Constable’s office, which filed a class C misdemeanor charge against Burke, KPRC reported.
And when a reporter from the station knocked at Burke’s door, the councilwoman apparently was in no mood to talk politics.
“What are you doing at my house?” she yelled from inside, KPRC said.
Image source: KPRC-TV videos screenshot
“You know why we’re here at your house,” station anchor and reporter Jacob Rascon replied.
After Burke claimed to not know the reason a reporter was at her door, Rascon filled her in: “The disorderly conduct charge.”
“I’m putting my kids to bed!” Burke yelled, KPRC reported. “Go away!”
The father that the station interviewed said “adults can’t behave toward children like that, period.”
In the end, however, the dad said Burke reached out to his wife and met with and apologized to both of them, KPRC reported.
“We accepted her apology,” the father told the station. “I would be just as angry if any parent said this to my child, but as an elected official, I’ll let her voters handle this matter.”
Burke’s Twitter page indicates she’s a volunteer with the anti-gun group Mom’s Demand Action — an organization for which she had served as Texas chapter president.
TheBlaze on Thursday reached out to Burke for comment through the municipal offices of West University Place, but she didn’t immediately reply. Mayor Susan Sample also didn’t immediately reply Thursday to TheBlaze’s request for comment.

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