Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Democrats are...

The Democrats are thugs

"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him."

—Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Not all of them, but those who are constantly in our faces certainly are thugs.  Schumer, Pelosi, the Clintons, the Obamas, A.G. Garland, CNN commentators, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, the execrable Terry McAuliffe, and of course Joe Biden.  Thugs all.  Not one of them can utter a word without revealing his contempt for the American people.  "Deplorable" was Hillary's preferred term for those of us who don't submit to the left's socialist schemes.  Obama called us "bitter clingers."  A.G. Garland has treated parents who attend school board meetings as "domestic terrorists" and wants the FBI to pursue them.  And Biden?  One has only to watch him try to humiliate Clarence Thomas at his Thomas's confirmation to know he is the worst kind of thug.  We all saw much evidence of Joe's thuggery on the campaign trail; he can't take being challenged and quickly resorts to name-calling.

The list of slurs from the media swells who cannot abide a conservative voice or idea are too many to list here, but anyone who has watched CNN will get his fill.  Conservative Republicans are the great unwashed to the oh, so superior left, and they have no qualms about name-calling.  They operate as a gang — a gang for which no dirty trick is too malevolent.

Consider the outrageously moronic ploy McAuliffe's gang just mounted, putting together a fake group of Youngkin-for-Governor supporters as white supremacists holding tiki torches!  One of them was Black!  This was plotted with the idiotic and despicable Lincoln Project.  The group is proud of itself.  CNN and the always clueless Eric Swalwell initially fell for the hoax with undisguised glee.


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