Saturday, December 11, 2021

Thuggery is built into the left's mindset

Allies of former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo plotted to discredit Fox meteorologist Janice Dean for criticizing his handling of COVID pandemic after both her husband's parents died in nursing homes from the virus

  • Janice Dean lost her mother-in-law Dolores, 79, and father-in-law Mickey, 83, in March and April 2020 to COVID-19
  • The pair were both living in different New York nursing homes, and Dean blamed Governor Andrew Cuomo's policies for their deaths
  • Cuomo had ordered that nursing homes readmit COVID convalescent patients, which many believed allowed the virus to spread unchecked through the homes
  • He reversed his order several weeks later, insisting he was simply following CDC guidance at the time, but Dean and others have never forgiven him
  • On Friday it emerged that Cuomo's allies had attempted to discredit Dean, a Fox News meteorologist
  • Cuomo's brother Chris, a former CNN anchor, allegedly texted Melissa DeRosa, the governor's aide, asking how they could damage Dean
  • 'This Fox weather b****……Any help painting her as a far right crazy?' Chris reportedly asked DeRosa
  • Dean said on Friday she was not surprised by the allegations
  • Both Andrew and Chris Cuomo have been forced from their jobs in the wake of the COVID scandal 

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