Sunday, May 14, 2023



Pretty much everyone has figured out that the Department of Justice, the CIA and the FBI are run by partisan hacks who cannot be trusted. But what about the colorless, worker bee federal agencies that just turn out data? Like, say, the Bureau of Labor Statistics? Have they been corrupted by the Democrats, too?

ZeroHedge has been covering the Biden Department of Labor’s press releases on payroll jobs. For an amazing 13 months in a row, the Biden Department of Labor has found that payrolls exceeded expectations! And, of course, beating expectations is important to the stock market and the Fed. To say that the Biden administration’s current “winning” streak is unprecedented is an understatement:

The game here is to get headlines with a “better than expected” jobs report, and then quietly revise it downward a month or two later, while at the same time announcing yet another “better than expected” report to be trumpeted by the press. It is a childishly simple dodge, but it seems to work.

Our friend Kevin Roche has been following this practice for a while. His most recent comments:

I have posted repeatedly about the Biden administration’s constant issuance of false initial employment-related numbers, followed by extensive downward revisions in succeeding months. But since only the initial reports get any attention from the media, all the public sees are the initial lies, not the later corrections. So we got the April report today from the Bureau of Laborious Lies and miracle of miracles, once again the number of new jobs exceeded expectations by about 50,000; 235,000 versus 185,000 expected. Hmmm, but then March’s initial numbers were revised down by 61,000 jobs and February’s by 78,000. January had already been revised downward. You see the pattern. So the revisions were far more than the supposed over-expectation number for April, which will inevitably be revised down in future months.
Finally, in another release yesterday, which was given no prominence, BLS revealed that productivity declined by 2.7% in the first quarter, the fifth straight quarter of declines in productivity. This measure was started in 1948 and there have never been five consecutive quarters of declines before. As a result, unit labor costs rose by 6.3%. Here is what this combination is telling us. There is no real economic growth. There is no improvement in quality of life. Productivity is the most important thing for real economic growth. And labor costs are often the single biggest cost input for any good or service, so we aren’t getting any inflation relief.

Welcome to the Biden economy–no growth, lots of inflation, but there is massive growth in government statistics lies.

I think the Democratic Party has so corrupted the federal bureaucracy that there is no longer any federal agency whose output can be taken on faith.

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